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Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam
Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum (GFZ)
Department 4
Sektion 4.1: Dynamik der Lithosphäre
14473 Potsdam
This institution in GERiT
14473 Potsdam
Research Grants
Current projects
Characterizing the deformation of the eastern Adriatic margin by improving the resolution of 3D local tomography and earthquake moment tensors using Wavefield Gradient Observation
Schurr, Bernd
Wassermann, Joachim
CoSuMY: Collision-Subduction Transition in Myanmar-Yunnan
Kufner, Sofia-Katerina
Ratschbacher, Lothar
Schurr, Bernd
Yuan, Xiaohui
Completed projects
Anatomy of a Subduction Zone from Ocean Mantle to Crust: Seismicity and Seismic Structure in Northern Chile
Kummerow, Jörn
Schurr, Bernd
Shapiro, Serge A.
Coupled climatic/tectonic forcing of European topography revealed through thermochronometry (Thermo-Europe)
Oncken, Onno
Spiegel, Cornelia
Crustal and lithosheric structure of the subducting Adriatic Plate and the external accretionary wedge in the soutern Dinarides
Nagel, Thorsten
Das armorikanische Puzzle
Reischmann, Thomas
Geophysical and Geodetic Search for Transients in the Northern Chile Coupling Zone
Asch, Günter
Kind, Rainer
Scherbaum, Frank
Imaging of small-scale structures and time-dependent changes in the rupture area of the 2010 Maule earthquake
Tilmann, Frederik
Long- and short-term deformation of convergent plate margins: Numerical modelling of seismic cycles at the South-Chilean oblique subduction zone
Cailleau, Béatrice
Observing seismic and silent faulting related to a megathrust earthquake cycle: Joint application of InSAR and creepmeter ground displacement measurements
Victor, Pia
Plate re-organization in the western Mediterranean: lithospheric causes and topographic consequences (TopoMed)
Grevemeyer, Ingo
Probing the Chilean subduction zone at mantle depths: Insights from Patagonian High-Pressure rocks
Angiboust, Ph.D., Samuel
Seismic and aseismic deformation processes associated with the 2010 Maule earthquake
Moreno, Ph.D., Marcos
Sunda: High Accretion Plate Edge
Oncken, Onno
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Krustenverformung durch schräge Subduktion: Eine Fallstudie in Nicaragua
Cailleau, Béatrice
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Load/Unload Mechanisms of the Seismically Active Mt. Hochstaufen, Bad Reichenhall (Germany) - Identified by Seismological, Geodetic and Meteorological Aspects
Schlömer, Antje
Completed projects
From Localized to Distributed Faulting – Present-day Kinematics of the Southern and Eastern Alps
Metzger, Sabrina
Sub-seismic deformation on different scales in the North German Basin
Gaupp, Reinhard
Kukla, Ph.D., Peter
Oncken, Onno
Sub-seismic deformation on different scales in the Northgerman Basin
Tanner, David
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
3 D patterns of mass transfer and deformation resulting from oblique vonvergence along the Chilean forearc
(Project Heads
Dresen, Georg
Götze, Hans-Jürgen
Janssen, Christoph
Kukowski, Nina
Oncken, Onno
Errosiver und akkretionärer Massentransfer und die Deformation des Forearcs
(Project Heads
Kukowski, Nina
Oncken, Onno
Fault networks and scaling properties of deformation accumulation
(Project Heads
Kornhuber, Ralf
Mielke, Alexander
Oncken, Onno
Rosenau, Matthias
Plateau formation recorded by tectonic and climatic signals in intramontane basins in NW Arbentina
(Project Heads
Blisniuk, Ph.D., Peter Michael
Oncken, Onno
Sobel, Ph.D., Edward
Strecker, Ph.D., Manfred
Trauth, Martin
SFB 267: Deformation Processes in the Andes - Interaction between andogenic and exogenic processes during subduction orogenesis
Oncken, Onno
Strukturanalyse und Exhumierung der östlichen Puna bei 24 Grad S
(Project Heads
Oncken, Onno
Strecker, Ph.D., Manfred
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