Max-Planck-Institut für ethnologische Forschung
Abteilung Ethnologie, Politik und Governance
Advokatenweg 36
06114 Halle
This institution in GERiT
06114 Halle
Research Grants
Current projects
Infrastructure and the remaking of Asia through adapting, orchestrating and cooperating
Rao, Ursula
Senz, Anja D.
Completed projects
Making markets for development. The consequences of India's new health insurance for experiences of illness and healings among urban and rural poor in India
Rao, Ursula
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Digital Governance and the Respatialization of the Indian Nation State
(Project Head
Rao, Ursula
Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups
Current projects
Indian Ocean Sand Worlds: The Role of Sand in Protecting Coastal Cities [SANDWORLDS]
Ley, Lukas