Max-Planck-Institut für terrestrische Mikrobiologie (MPIterMic)
Abteilung Naturstoffe in Organismischen Interaktionen
Karl-von-Frisch-Straße 10
35043 Marburg
This institution in GERiT
35043 Marburg
Research Grants
Current projects
Biosynthesis at the Intersection of Primary and Specialized Metabolism: the α-Ketoacid Dehydrogenase Example (BiosynKADH)
Bode, Helge Björn
Luzhetskyy, Andriy
Completed projects
Biochemische Untersuchungen des Myxobakteriums Myxococcus xanthus während der Fruchtkörperbildung
Bode, Helge Björn
Biosynthese von Legioliulin und anderen Sekundärmetaboliten aus Legionella
Bode, Helge Björn
Deciphering and engineering of the molecular diversity of NRPS-derived azacyclic alkaloids in bacteria
Bode, Helge Björn
Structure and biosynthesis of unusual polyamine and polyagmatine natural products
Bode, Helge Björn
Untersuchungen der Biosynthese von ungewöhnlichen Dialkylresorcinolen in Bakterien
Bode, Helge Björn
Xenocoumacin biosynthesis in Xenorhabdus nematophila and regulation of secondary metabolism in entomophathogenic bacteria
Bode, Helge Björn
Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups
Completed projects
Biochemical characterization of fruiting body formation in the myxobacterium Myxococcus xanthus
Bode, Helge Björn
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Heterogeneity in the secondary metabolism of Photorhabdus and Xenorhabdus
Bode, Helge Björn
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Hochleistungsmassenspektrometer mit HPLC und GC Chromatographie-System
Hochleistungsmassenspektrometer mit nano-HPLC Chromatographie-System
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Chemie und Biologie des E-Signals in verschiedenen Myxobakterien und seine Funktion in Lebenszyklus, Differenzierung und Sekundärmetabolismus
Bode, Helge Björn
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Function, mechanism and structural basis for the regulation of gene expression by small regulatory RNAs (sRNAs) in γ-proteobacteria
(Project Heads
Bode, Helge Björn
Wöhnert, Jens