Universität Duisburg-Essen
Fakultät für Physik
Forschungsgruppe Experimentalphysik
Arbeitsgruppe Chemische Physik von Grenzflächen
Lotharstraße 1
47057 Duisburg
This institution in GERiT
47057 Duisburg
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Non-Equilibrium Charge Transfer between Solids and 2D Heterostructures in Vacuum and at Electrified Sol-id/Liquid Interfaces
(Project Heads
Campen, Ph.D., Richard Kramer
Hasselbrink, Eckart
Tong, Ph.D., Yujin
Completed projects
Molecular switching in self-assembled monolayers at liquid-solid interfaces
(Project Heads
Campen, Ph.D., Richard Kramer
Wolf, Martin
Understanding water structure and reactivity at aluminium oxide surfaces using nonlinear vibra-tional spectroscopy and theory
(Project Heads
Campen, Ph.D., Richard Kramer
Saalfrank, Peter
Current projects
Linking Charge Carrier Dynamics and Liquid Phase Oxidation Catalysis in Spinel and Perovskite Oxides
(Project Heads
Bacher, Gerd
Campen, Ph.D., Richard Kramer
Research Grants
Current projects
NSF-DFG Echem: Understanding the Mechanism of Urea Oxidation on Nickel-Based Electrocatalysts
Campen, Ph.D., Richard Kramer