Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Campus Institut für Dynamik biologischer Netzwerke (CIDBN)
Hermann-Rein-Straße 3
37075 Göttingen
This institution in GERiT
37075 Göttingen
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Coordination Funds
Wolf, Fred
From Branch to Branch: Unravelling Primate Vision in Arboreal Leaping and Navigation
Fichtel, Claudia
Wolf, Fred
Spatially anisotropic and isotropic lateral inhibition: Convergent circuit designs in the insect antennal lobe and vertebrate olfactory bulb
Egger, Veronica
Sachse, Silke
SPP 2205: Evolutionary Optimisation of Neuronal Processing
Wolf, Fred
Completed projects
Mechano-transduction and coordinated dynamics in epithelial cells in the amnioserosa of Drosophila
Großhans, Jörg
Wolf, Fred
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Designing the Optogenetic Control of Spiral Ganglion Neuron Populations for Maximal Audi-tory Information Flow
(Project Head
Wolf, Fred
Optimizing Stimulation of Input-Deprived Networks to Restore and Maintain Their Function
(Project Heads
Neef, Andreas
Priesemann, Viola
Release face designs and dynamics tailored for synaptic working memory
(Project Head
Wolf, Fred
Stochastic models for the optimal fusion of social and sensory information in transparent interactions
(Project Head
Wolf, Fred
Completed projects
Optimal state manifolds for a core circuit of the primary visual cortex
(Project Head
Wolf, Fred
Research Units
Completed projects
Characterization of cell adhesion dynamics during neural crest migration
Borchers, Annette
Wolf, Fred
Dynamics of cell contacts during cell intercalation in germband extension of Drosophila
Großhans, Jörg
Wolf, Fred
Research Grants
Current projects
The fabric of the primate neocortex and the origin of mental representations. From transcriptomics to single neurons and neuronal networks.
Neef, Andreas
Staiger, Jochen Ferdinand
Wolf, Fred