Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
Fachbereich Biowissenschaften
Department Evolutionary Ecology and Environmental Toxicology
Max-von-Laue-Straße 13
60438 Frankfurt am Main
This institution in GERiT
60438 Frankfurt am Main
Research Grants
Completed projects
Bestimmung der Bioverfügbarkeit und ökotoxikologischen Wirkung persistenter organischer Schadstoffe in Sediment-Porenwassersystemen
Hollert, Henner
Witt, Gesine
Feasibility study to assess the ecotoxicological and toxicological impact on sediments as a result of the July 2021 flood in the transition from the low mountain range to the lowlands.
Brüll, Catrina
Hollert, Henner
Oehlmann, Jörg
Schiwy, Sabrina
Strobl, Frederic
Freshwater pollution and the links to the distribution of Schistosoma host snails in Western Kenya
Brack, Werner
Hollert, Henner
Liess, Matthias
Smith, Ph.D., Kilian
Passive sampling and passive dosing- an innovative approach for the combined chemical and biological analysis of hydrophobic organic pollutants sediment porewater of marine systems
Hollert, Henner
Witt, Gesine
Quantification of biodiversity loss and convergence of trait responses to pesticide exposure in agricultural areas
Buse, Jörn
Hollert, Henner
Schäfer, Ralf B.
Clusters of Excellence
Completed projects
EXC 236: Tailor-Made Fuels from Biomass
Pischinger, Stefan
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2186: The Fuel Science Center – Adaptive Conversion Systems for Renewable Energy and Carbon Sources
Leitner, Walter
Pischinger, Stefan