Universität zu Lübeck
Sektion Naturwissenschaften
Institut für Psychologie I
AG Physiologische Psychologie mit Methodenlehre
Maria-Goeppert-Straße 9a
23562 Lübeck
This institution in GERiT
23562 Lübeck
Research Grants
Current projects
How perceptual inference changes with age: Behavioural and brain dynamics of speech perception
Tune, Sarah
The impact of domain-general networks on natural language processing
Hartwigsen, Gesa
Obleser, Jonas
Understanding capture and suppression in auditory attention
Wöstmann, Malte
Completed projects
Assessment of the dynamic exertion of listening effort: A lifespan perspective
Obleser, Jonas
One clock? Investigating the Neuro-Cognitive Mechanisms of Implicit and Explicit Timing
Obleser, Jonas