Universität Wien
Universitätsring 1
1010 Wien
1010 Wien
Cataloguing and Digitisation
Completed projects
VD 18: Digitization and Indexing of printed Material published in the 18th Century in the German-Speaking Areas (VD 18) from the collections of Mainz University Library
Brandtner, Andreas
Science Communication, Research Data, eResearch
Current projects
Open Access Publication Funding / 2023-2025 / Freie Universität Berlin
Kowalak, Mario
Completed projects
Open Access Publishing / Charité Berlin
Kunst, Sabine
Ziegler, Günter M.
Open Access Publizieren 2015 Universität Mainz / Universitätsmedizin Mainz
Förstermann, Ulrich
Cooperation and Networking
Current projects
Building and sustaining a community for the Open Encyclopedia System (ComOES)
Grote, Brigitte
Acquisition and Provision
Current projects
Specialised Information Service Anglo-American Culture
Brannemann, Kathrin
Seyder, Medea
Completed projects
Profiling of the Forum for lntercultural French Studies (Forum Interkulturelle Frankreichforschung - (FIFF)
Hansen, Michael
Research data and software
Current projects
FDLink Strengthen enabling environments for cultural change and shared services landscape
Börner, Claudia
Christof, Jürgen
Dreyer, Malte
Kostädt, Peter
Kuhnau, Petra
Tatai, Andrea
FDNext Further development of research data practice: tools for quality development for service institutions in cooperation with departments and research networks
Brandtner, Andreas
Börner, Claudia
Christof, Jürgen
Dreyer, Malte
Happel, Hans-Gerd
Straka, Janine
Oral-History.Digital 2. Consolidation and optimization of the curation and research platform for audiovisual narrative interviews
Henrich, Andreas
Leh, Almut
Mischke, Dennis
Schiel, Florian