Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
Fakultät für Mathematik
Lattice Boltzmann Research Group (LBRG)
Straße am Forum 8
76131 Karlsruhe
This institution in GERiT
76131 Karlsruhe
Research Grants
Current projects
CFD-MRI Reactions – A Combined Measurement-Simulation Approach for Reactive Flow Characterization
Krause, Mathias Joachim
Thöming, Jorg
Direct contact condensation intensification by droplet forming during breakup of liquid jet in a gaseous medium
Krause, Mathias Joachim
Fundamental investigation of particle-layer rearrangement events in ceramic wall flow filters by resolved particle simulations
Krause, Mathias Joachim
HiResHemo: Hemodynamics at High Spatio-temporal Resolution by Comparative Visual Analysis of 4D PC-MRI Data and CFD Simulation Ensembles
Hörr, Verena
Krause, Mathias Joachim
Linsen, Lars
Increase of efficiency in phosphate recovery by understanding the interaction of flow and loading processes with modeling and simulation
Krause, Mathias Joachim
Completed projects
Characterization of Flow Domains and Fluid Flows by Model- and Simulation-based Flow MRI (CFD-MRI)
Guthausen, Gisela
Krause, Mathias Joachim
Development of a multi-scale model for the adsorption of molecular target substances to magnetic carrier particles using the Lattice-Boltzmann methods
Krause, Mathias Joachim
Modeling and Simulation of Irradiance for Photobioreactors with Complex Geometry for Exploration of Algal Growth
Krause, Mathias Joachim
Posten, Clemens
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Modelling and Simulation of Multidimensional Fractionation in Fine Particle Systems and their Application
Krause, Mathias Joachim