Universität Greifswald
Zoologisches Institut und Museum
Professur für Tierökologie
Loitzer Straße 26
17489 Greifswald
This institution in GERiT
17489 Greifswald
Research Grants
Current projects
Phytoplankton response to fluctuating light intensity and spectrum II - How fluctuations in the multiple dimensions of LIGHt shape phytoplankTON (LIGHT-ON)
Striebel, Maren
Wacker, Alexander
Completed projects
Allokation von Lipiden in Wachstum und Reproduktion in pelagischen Nahrungsnetzen am Beispiel Daphnia
Wacker, Alexander
Integrating effects of chytrid parasitism into carbon flows in pelagic food webs
Agha, Ph.D., Ramsy
Integrative Foraging in Complex Landscapes: Nutrient acquisition and mixing across food patches at the primary producer-Daphnia interface
Wacker, Alexander
Interplay between energy, mineral and biochemical constraints of herbivores in the pelagic food web of Lake Constance
Rothhaupt, Karl-Otto
Wacker, Alexander
Linking phytoplankton biodiversity and food quality effects in herbivore zooplankton
Wacker, Alexander
Oxygen constraints at the primary production - consumer interface: the aquatic keystone species Daphnia and its stoichiometric regulation
Wacker, Alexander
Revealing mechanisms of resource co-limitation in plankton at the community scale
Wacker, Alexander
Heisenberg Fellowships
Completed projects
Linking phytoplankton biodiversity and food quality effects in herbivore zooplankton - and prolongation: Diversity, Variability and Food Quality in Aquatic Systems
Wacker, Alexander
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Trait-based biodiversity and multitrophic dynamics under external forcing: a combined planktotron and modelling approach
Hillebrand, Helmut
Singer, Gabriel
Striebel, Maren
Wacker, Alexander
Trait heterogeneity effects on trophic interactions: the role of essential nutrients
Martin-Creuzburg, Dominik
Wacker, Alexander