Universität Greifswald
Interfakultäres Institut für Genetik und Funktionelle Genomforschung
Abteilung Funktionelle Genomforschung
Felix-Hausdorff-Straße 8
17489 Greifswald
This institution in GERiT
17489 Greifswald
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Funktion des allgemeinen Streßregulons und der Sporulation bei der Anpassung von Bacillus subtilis an den Standort Boden
(Project Head
Völker, Uwe
Mental retardation genes and their interaction
(Project Heads
Kalscheuer, Vera
Kuss, Andreas
Ropers, Hans Hilger
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Untersuchungen zur Rolle der PKCå bei der Ausbildung des Typ2 Diabetes
Raddatz, Katy
Research Grants
Current projects
Influence of the human microbiome on disease risks in a population-based setting (SHIP) and in disease cohorts
Kaderali, Lars
Regulation of mRNA and role of ncRNAs in the molecular basis of cognitive features
Kuss, Andreas
Simm, Stefan
The role of immunomodulation by microbiota and metabolomics in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis and in cardiovascular risk assessment
Holtfreter, Birte
Teumer, Alexander
Completed projects
Bedeutung initialer Panikattacken für die Ätiologie der Panikstörung
Deckert, Jürgen
Hamm, Alfons
Characterization of Bordetella pertussis factors involved in the intracellular survival. Search for a new generation of pertussis vaccine candidates.
Völker, Uwe
Einfluss genetischer Faktoren auf die konditionierte Hemmung von Furcht
Hamm, Alfons
Kartierung der TSE-Suszeptibilität/Resistenz von Schafen mit maximal unterschiedlichen DNA-Varianten in der chromosomalen Region des Prionprotein codierenden Gens
Stitz, Lothar
Mapping of TSE susceptibility / resistance in sheep carrying maximal different DNA variants in the chromosomal region of the prionprotein coding gene
Geldermann, Hermann
Mechanism of gene regulation by CcpA bound to cre sites located upstream, downstream and overlapping the regulated promoter
Stülke, Jörg
Völker, Uwe
Molekulare und funktionelle Charakterisierung der Aktivierung von Granulozyten durch Antikörper gegen das Humane-Neutrophilen-Antigen 3a
Greinacher, Andreas
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Effects of thyronamines (TAM) and thyroacetic acid (TAC) metabolites on energy metabolism, mitochondrial function, Ca2+-signalling, plasma membrane action
Homuth, Georg
Köhrle, Josef
Identification of pathways associated with thyroid hormones and their molecular regulators by integrated OMICs analyses of cross-sectional and longitudinal studies in the general population and selected patients
Völker, Uwe
Integrated-OMICs analyses to identify pathways associated with thyroid hormones and their molecular regulators: Screening for new markers to assess thyroid hormone action
Brabant, Georg
Friedrich, Nele
Führer-Sakel, Dagmar
Völker, Uwe
Unraveling the molecular basis for successful thyroid hormone replacement therapy
Brabant, Georg
Mittag, Jens
Current projects
Structure and function of below-ground (micro-)biome in rewetted fens– a trophic latch?
(Project Heads
Kuss, Andreas
Urich, Tim
Completed projects
Analysis of Staphylococcus aureus-host cell interactions by transcriptomic and proteomic approaches
(Project Heads
Hacker, Jörg Hinrich
Völker, Uwe
A systems biology perspective of regulatory and metabolic adaptation of Staphylococcus aureus to infection-related conditions
(Project Heads
Dandekar, Thomas
Fuchs, Stephan
Pané-Farré, Jan
Völker, Uwe
Genomwide Analysis of Therapy-Associated Changes in the Gene Expression Program of DCM Patients - Diagnostic Relevance of Expression Signatures
(Project Heads
Kühl, Uwe
Völker, Uwe
Host-pathogen interaction of Staphylococcus aureus - insight from a population-based perspective
(Project Heads
Bröker, Barbara
Völker, Uwe
Post-invasion events in Staphylococcus aureus-infected host cells - A combined transcriptomics/proteomics in vivo approach
(Project Heads
Rudel, Thomas
Sinha, Bhanu
Vogel, Jörg
Völker, Uwe
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2719: Proteases in pathogen and host: importance in inflammation and infection – RTG-PRO
Bröker, Barbara
Completed projects
GRK 541: Protein Function at the Atomic Level
Buckel, Wolfgang
GRK 840: Host Pathogen Interactions in Generalised Bacterial Infections
Bröker, Barbara
GRK 1870: Bacterial Respiratory Infections - Common and Specific Mechanism of Pathogen Adaption and Immune Defence
Hammerschmidt, Sven