Technische Universität Dresden
Institut für mechatronischen Maschinenbau
Professur für Fluid-Mechatronische Systemtechnik (Fluidtronik)
Helmholtzstraße 7a
01069 Dresden
This institution in GERiT
01069 Dresden
Research Grants
Current projects
Development and testing of load- and motion-decoupled actuator structures using nonlinear, model-based control algorithms
Weber, Jürgen
Novel multi-stable electro-magneto-mechanical actuators based on variable remanent operating points of semi-hard- and hard-magnetic materials
Weber, Jürgen
Completed projects
New solutions for electrohydraulic control systems with separate metering edges for mobile machinery
Weber, Jürgen
Current projects
Design and Optimization of Cooling Structures in Compact Drives Based on Simulated 3D-Temperature Fields
(Project Heads
Ihlenfeldt, Steffen
Weber, Jürgen
Completed projects
Robust and Thermo-energetically Optimized Temperature Control of Machine Tools' Frames by Means of Fluid Power Systems
(Project Heads
Ihlenfeldt, Steffen
Weber, Jürgen
Structure model based correction of thermo-elastic errors at machine tools
(Project Heads
Fetzer, Christof
Ihlenfeldt, Steffen
Kauschinger, Bernd
Mühl, Andreas
Weber, Jürgen
Thermo-energetic description of fluid power systems
(Project Head
Weber, Jürgen