Technische Universität Dresden
Institut für Festkörper- und Materialphysik (IFMP)
Professur für Neutronenspektroskopie kondensierter Materie
Häckelstraße 3
01069 Dresden
This institution in GERiT
01069 Dresden
Research Grants
Current projects
Correlated proton disorder and frustrated magnetism in hydroxide perovskites
Doert, Thomas
Inosov, Dmytro
Frustrated Magnetism in Copper Minerals
Peets, Darren
Interactions Underpinning Novel Skyrmion and Hedgehog Phases in Centrosymmetric Helimagnetic Strontium Iron Oxides
Efremov, Dmitri
Peets, Darren
Completed projects
Field-angular anisotropy of multipolar excitations
Inosov, Dmytro
Magnetically hidden order and spin dynamics in cerium-based f-electron systems.
Inosov, Dmytro
Magnetic excitations in helimagnets over a broad range of spin-spiral pitch lengths.
Inosov, Dmytro
Superexchange, effective interactions, and magnetic ground states in frustrated triangular-lattice quantum magnets
Hozoi, Liviu
Topological magnons and novel low-energy excitations in helimagnets.
Inosov, Dmytro
WBP Position
Current projects
Study of magnetic vortex lattice in noncentrosymmetric superconductors using small angle neutron scattering
Naskar, Moumita
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Detection of skyrmion phases in spintronic materials using neutron scattering
Inosov, Dmytro
Spin and charge dynamics in iron-based superconductors: A complementary neutron scattering and spectroscopic ellipsometry study
Inosov, Dmytro
SPP 1458: High Temperature Superconductivity in Iron Pnictides
Büchner, Bernd
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Neutron scattering on frustrated quantum magnets
(Project Heads
Inosov, Dmytro
Peets, Darren
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1621: Itinerant Magnetism and Superconductivity in Intermetallic Compounds
Klauss, Hans-Henning
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2147: Complexity and Topology in Quantum Matter (CT.QMAT)
Claessen, Ralph
Vojta, Matthias