Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Department Informatik
Lehrstuhl für Maschinelles Lernen und Datenanalytik
Carl-Thiersch-Straße 2b
91052 Erlangen
This institution in GERiT
91052 Erlangen
Heisenberg Professorships
Completed projects
Digital Support Systems in Sports and Medical Engineering
Eskofier, Bjoern
Heisenberg Grants
Completed projects
Digital Support Systems in Sports and Medical Engineering
Eskofier, Bjoern
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Empathokinaesthetic Sensor Technology for Biofeedback in Depressed Patients
(Project Heads
Berking, Matthias
Eskofier, Bjoern
Integrated Research Training Group
(Project Head
Eskofier, Bjoern
Investigation of Postural Control using Sensomotorically Extended Musculoskeletal Human Models
(Project Heads
Eskofier, Bjoern
Klucken, Jochen
Miehling, Jörg
Wartzack, Sandro
Winkler, Jürgen
Sensor-based Movement and Sleep Analysis in Parkinson’s Disease
(Project Heads
Eskofier, Bjoern
Klucken, Jochen
Winkler, Jürgen
Research Grants
Current projects
Mobility in atypical parkinsonism: a randomized trial of physiotherapy
Eskofier, Bjoern
Gaßner, Heiko