Leibniz-Zentrum für Agrarlandschaftsforschung (ZALF) e.V.
Arbeitsgruppe Mikrobielle Biogeochemie
Eberswalder Straße 84
15374 Müncheberg
This institution in GERiT
15374 Müncheberg
Research Grants
Current projects
Methane Dynamics of Kettle Holes in a Postglacial Agricultural Landscape –Microbial Ecology and Biogeochemistry (Acronym: MeDKet)
Knief, Claudia
Kolb, Steffen
Completed projects
Bedeutung der Baumart für die Aktivität und Diversität von methanoxidierenden Bakterien in temperaten Waldböden
Kolb, Steffen
Einfluß von Bewirtschaftungsformen des Grünlandes auf die Belastung von Futtermitteln mit mikrobiellen Toxinen
Müller, Marina E.H.
Erosion-induced Impact on Carbon Dynamics in the Crop-Rhizosphere Microbiome-Soil Organic Matter-Continuum (CropRhizoSOM)
Augustin, Jürgen
Kolb, Steffen
Remus, Rainer
Wirth, Stephan
Impact of Alternative Substrates on Methane, Methanol, and Chloromethane Metabolism of Methylotrophs in Forest Soils
Kolb, Steffen
Impact of microorganisms as sinks of atmospheric chloromethane
Keppler, Frank
Kolb, Steffen
Microbial Consumption of Methanol in a Grassland
Kolb, Steffen
Quantification of methane sources and sinks in a plant-soil system
Lenhart, Katharina
Soil microbial diversity and activities of an acid brown earth under pine after partial thinning for stand regeneration
Wirth, Stephan
Struktur und Funktion bakterieller und pilzlicher, celluloseabbauender Gemeinschaften in unterschiedlich mit organischer Substanz versorgten Ackerböden
Ulrich, Andreas
Workshops for Early Career Investigators
Completed projects
Workshop for Early Career Scientists "Agroecosystems 2020 - Integrated Soil, Plant, Microbiome and Biodiversity Research for Sustainable Land Use"
Kolb, Steffen
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Carbon and energy flow in the soil microbiome – functional groups, activity and interactions in trophic networks
Kolb, Steffen
Rueß, Liliane
Completed projects
Environmental Determinants of Microbial Biopolymer Degraders in Agricultural Soil
Kolb, Steffen
Infrastructure Priority Programmes
Current projects
De-intensification Effects on Methane-Cycling Microorganisms and the Methane Sink Function of Grasslands (MetGrass)
Kolb, Steffen
Marhan, Sven
Urich, Tim
Completed projects
Biodiversity of Nitrate-Reducing Microbes in Grassland Soils by Massive Cultivation and Genomics (acronym: BE-Cult)
Behrendt, Undine
Horn, Marcus A.
Kolb, Steffen
Ulrich, Andreas
Impact of Land-use on Biogeographical Diversity of Soil Prokaryotes and their Functional Links to Atmospheric Chemistry
Drake, Harold L.
Land-use intensity effects on soil methane cycling microbes in grassland and forest soils
Kolb, Steffen
Marhan, Sven
Urich, Tim