Universitetet i Oslo (UiO)
Boks 1072 Blindern
0316 Oslo
0316 Oslo
Internationale Graduiertenkollegs
abgeschlossene Projekte
GRK 1039: Entwicklung und Anwendung der intelligenten Detektoren
Herrmann, Norbert
Untergeordnete Institutionen
ARENA - Centre for European Studies
Avdeling for biokjemi
Avdeling for klinisk molekylærbiologi
Department of Archaeology, Conservation and History
Faculty of Humanities
Department of Biosciences
Department of Chemistry
Department of Culture Studies and Oriental Languages
Department of Geosciences
Department of Linguistics and Scandinavian Studies
Department of Mathematics
Department of Molecular Biosciences
Department of Musicology
Department of Nutrition
Department of Physics
Department of Political Science
Department of Sociology and Human Geography
Det medisinske fakultet
Faculty of Theology
Institute for General Practice and Community Medicine
Institute of Basic Medical Sciences
Institute of Clinical Medicine
Institute of Health Managment and Health Economics
Institutt for teoretisk astrofysikk
National Centre for Biosystematics
Natural History Museum
Norsk senter for forskning på mentale lidelser (NORMENT)
Norsk senter for molekylærmedisin (NCMM)
Oslo universitetssykehus
Institute of Medical Genetics
Neurophysiologische Abteilung
Physics of Geological Processes
Psykologisk institutt (PSI)
School of Pharmacy
Section of Physical geography and Hydrology
Senter for utvikling og miljø
The Biotechnology Centre of Oslo
Translational Neurodegeneration and Neuropathology Lab
University of Oslo
Center for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis (CEES)
Department of Biosciences
Økonomisk Institutt