Leibniz-Zentrum für Agrarlandschaftsforschung (ZALF) e.V.
Programmbereich 1: Landschaftsprozesse
AG Hydropedologie
Eberswalder Straße 84
15374 Müncheberg
This institution in GERiT
15374 Müncheberg
Research Grants
Current projects
Designed experiments for optimizing infrared spectroscopic characterizations and quantifications of soil organic matter at scales of increasing complexity: importance of band shifts, spectral variable selection and subtraction approaches
Ellerbrock, Ruth
Ludwig, Bernard
Completed projects
Auswirkungen landnutzungsabhängiger Bodengefügedynamik auf die präferenzielle Verlagerung von Wasser und gelösten Stoffen in `Paddy`-Reisfeldern in Abhängigkeit der Raumskala
Gerke, Horst Herbert
In situ Charakterisierung organischer Bodensubstanz an Oberflächen von präferentiellen Fließwegen, Bodenaggregaten und Bioporen
Ellerbrock, Ruth
Lokale Ungleichgewichte und damit verbundene bodenchemische und -hydrologische Prozessdynamik als Merkmale des Stoffhaushalts gestörter Standorte
Schaaf, Wolfgang
Modelling the initial structural dynamics of soil and sediment exemplified for a constructed hydrological catchment
Maurer, Thomas
Monitoring and modelling of non-equilibrium soil water dynamics and lateral subsurface flow in hillslope soils
Gerke, Horst Herbert
Vogel, Hans-Jörg
Wöhling, Thomas
Preferential water and air movement in heterogeneous afforested mine soils of the lusatian open-cast lignite-mining district
Gerke, Horst Herbert
Quantification of small-scale physicochemical and microbiological properties of intact macropore surfaces in structured soils
Leue, Martin
Solute mass transfer through the macropore-matrix interface during preferential flow in structured soils: model development
Gerke, Horst Herbert
The exchange flow between preferential flow paths and matrix in soils: from pore to continuum scale with tensors
Gerke, Horst Herbert
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Characterization of the sodium pyrophosphate soluble soil organic matter with FT-IR
Ellerbrock, Ruth
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Lokale Ungleichgewichte und damit verbundene bodenchemische und -hydrologische Prozessdynamik als Merkmale des Stoffhaushalts gestörter Standorte
(Project Heads
Gerke, Horst Herbert
Hüttl, Reinhard F.
Schaaf, Wolfgang
Completed projects
Development and interactions of flow paths on the surface and in the soil
(Project Heads
Gerke, Horst Herbert
Oswald, Sascha E.
Development of a structure and process model
(Project Heads
Gerke, Horst Herbert
Hüttl, Reinhard F.
Infrastructure Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Global change effects on forest understorey: how do interactions between drought and land-use intensity affect water, carbon and nitrogen cycling?
Bruelheide, Helge
Gessler, Arthur
Weiler, Markus