Leibniz-Zentrum für Agrarlandschaftsforschung (ZALF) e.V.
Programmbereich 1: Landschaftsprozesse
Eberswalder Straße 84
15374 Müncheberg
This institution in GERiT
15374 Müncheberg
Research Grants
Completed projects
Aufklärung der Bodenverlagerung durch Bearbeitungserosion (tillage erosion) in Jungmoränenlandschaften
Frielinghaus, Monika
Generation, transport and retention of water and suspended sediments in large dryland catchments: Monitoring and integrated modelling of fluxes and connectivity phenomena
Bronstert, Axel
Förster, Saskia
Güntner, Andreas
Holozäne De-/Silifizierung in terrestrischen Biogeosystemen und Identifikation von Si-Pools mit stabilen Isotopen
Breuer, Jörn
Kuzyakov, Yakov
Sommer, Michael
Integrated assessment of geomorphologic process dynamics in the Ethiopian Highlands using remote sensing and advanced modelling approaches
Hochschild, Volker
Mikrobielle Si-Pools und Transformationen in Böden
Munch, Jean Charles
Multiscale analysis of dust emissions from agricultural soils in La Pampa, Argentina
Funk, Roger
Multiskalige Analyse der Ortsteingenese am Beispiel der Bodengesellschaften des Buntsandstein-Schwarzwaldes
Stahr, Karl
Reconstruction of the ancient cultural landscape of the Sarno River basin - the Roman villae rusticae
Märker, Michael
Seiler, Florian
Si-Dynamik im System Pflanze-Boden
Kuzyakov, Yakov
Spatiotemporal dynamics of biogenic Si pools in initial soils and their relevance for desilication
Sommer, Michael
Tillage erosion affects crop yields and carbon balance in hummocky landscapes
Fiener, Peter
Sommer, Michael
Research Units
Completed projects
Regional identification of sensitive areas for wind-driven matter fluxes and quantification of wind-driven matter fluxes across ecosystem boundaries
Sommer, Michael
Infrastructure Priority Programmes
Completed projects
pETchy: Patterns of evapotranspiration changing throughout the year
Lischeid, Gunnar
Sommer, Michael