Technische Universität München (TUM)
Arbeitsgruppe Experimentalphysik funktionaler Spinsysteme
James-Franck-Staße 1
85748 Garching
This institution in GERiT
85748 Garching
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Manipulation of single skyrmions and skyrmion clusters with electron currents, heat, microwaves, and magnons
Back, Christian
Completed projects
Coordination Funds
Back, Christian
Back, Christian
Magnetization Dynamics and magnetic microscopy on the picosecond timescale
Woltersdorf, Georg
Spincaloric transport and thermal spin transfer torque in thin film nanostructures
Back, Christian
Strunk, Christoph
SPP 1538: Spin Caloric Transport (SpinCaT)
Back, Christian
Ultrafast generation and manipulation of ferromagnetic order
Back, Christian
Research Grants
Current projects
2Dimensional van der Waals Spin-Orbit Torque Technology
Back, Christian
Fabian, Jaroslav
All electrically manipulated ferrimagnetic skyrmions: creation, dynamic study and detection
Back, Christian
Exploring emergent properties in two-dimensional metal-organic quantum materials
Barth, Johannes V.
Completed projects
Antiferromagnets for spinorbitronics from ab-initio theory
Mokrousov, Yuriy
Coulomb blockade and spin dependent tunnelling in a magnetic single electron transistor
Back, Christian
Zeitaufgelöste Mikroskopie von Spinwellenanregungen
Woltersdorf, Georg
Research Units
Completed projects
Dynamik von magnetischen Vortexzuständen
Back, Christian
Spinabhängiger Ladungstransport in Metall-Halbleiter-Heterostrukturen
Bayreuther, Günther
Current projects
Spin-charge conversion and topological magnons in magnetic Weyl semimetals
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Albrecht, Manfred
Back, Christian
Chen, Lin
Unconventional dynamics at the mesoscale in constrained spin systems
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Back, Christian
Büttner, Felix
Kézsmárki, István
Completed projects
Manipulation of magnon propagation in materials with complex magnetic order
(Project Head
Back, Christian
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Near-Field Scanning Optical Microscope for high resolution static and dynamic magnetic microscopy
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Local topological transport and dynamics of antiferromagnets
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Back, Christian
Wunderlich, Jörg
Topological tubes and wires and their hybrids
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Back, Christian
Kronseder, Matthias
Weiss, Dieter
Completed projects
Manipulation der statischen und dynamischen Eigenschaften von (Ga,Mn)As
(Project Heads
Back, Christian
Woltersdorf, Georg
Spinabhängiger Transport heißer Elektronen
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Back, Christian
Bayreuther, Günther
Vancea, Johann
Spindiffusionslängen-Bestimmungen in nichtmagnetischen Nanodrähten mit beweglichen Nanokontakten
(Project Heads
Back, Christian
Vancea, Johann
Spin Hall Effect in Metallic Heterostructures
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Back, Christian
Ebert, Hubert
Woltersdorf, Georg
Spin injection from diluted magnetic semiconductors into semiconductor heterojunctions
(Project Heads
Back, Christian
Bayreuther, Günther
Ciorga, Mariusz
Weiss, Dieter
Ultrafast electric injection of spin-polarized tunnel currents in semiconductors
(Project Heads
Back, Christian
Bougeard, Dominique
Huber, Rupert