Technische Universität München (TUM)
TUM Campus Straubing für Biotechnologie und Nachhaltigkeit
Petersgasse 5
94315 Straubing
This institution in GERiT
94315 Straubing
Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups
Current projects
Strategies for spatial and temporal control of gene expression in cell-free reactions and biomimetic systems
Niederholtmeyer, Henrike
Research Grants
Current projects
Approximation of Multi-Parametric Programming Problems
Ruzika, Stefan
Thielen, Clemens
Hybrid PhotoElectrodes for Selective Reduction of CO2 into Solar Fuels
Plumeré, Nicolas
New Production Method of Exopolysaccharides Using Engineered Living Materials [EPS by ELM]
Gmach, Yvonne
Protection of O2 Sensitive Catalysts under reductive Conditions
Plumeré, Nicolas
Completed projects
General approximation methods for multicriteria optimization problems
Ruzika, Stefan
Thielen, Clemens
Hydrogel shields to support and protect catalysts of H2 oxidation and CO2 reduction.
Plumeré, Nicolas
Scientific Networks
Completed projects
Integrated Planning in Hospitals: Complexity, Analytics, Reorganization, Efficiency
Thielen, Clemens
Current projects
Biomolecular condensates for early biology
(Project Head
Niederholtmeyer, Henrike
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Engineering adaptive Vibrio natriegens strains for bacteria-hybrid light-emitting diodes (ENABLED)
Blombach, Bastian
Costa, Rubén
Understanding Benefits and Trade-offs in Coupling Cathodic and Anodic Processes in Continuous Electroenzymatic Reaction Cascades
Plumeré, Nicolas
Sieber, Volker
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2033: RESOLV (Ruhr Explores Solvation)
Havenith-Newen, Martina