Technische Universität Dortmund
Fakultät Raumplanung
Fachgebiet Stadtentwicklung
August-Schmidt-Straße 10
44227 Dortmund
This institution in GERiT
44227 Dortmund
Research Grants
Current projects
9-Euro-Ticket and Deutschland-Ticket as an Ecological-Social Transport Policy - Evaluation Based on Panel Data
Albrecht, Janna
Scheiner, Joachim
Change in long-distance travel: uncovering travel activity trends, inequalities, and dynamics over the life course
Scheiner, Joachim
The Big Sort? Functional Segregation in the reurbanized city-region
Siedentop, Stefan
Completed projects
Mobility Biographies: A Life-Course Approach to Travel Behaviour and Residential Choice
Holz-Rau, Christian
Lanzendorf, Martin
Scheiner, Joachim
Quantitative and qualitative gendered time-use in travel-based multitasking
Scheiner, Joachim
Reurbanization in the United States and Germany: A comparative study of driving forces and spatial patterns of reurbanization processes in Portland and Stuttgart.
Jessen, Johann
Siedentop, Stefan
Spatial Patterns in Traffic Accident Risks: Residential Location Based Analyses
Scheiner, Joachim
The influence of spatial planning on settlement-development In Germany and Sitzerland: a comparative Analysis of governance-capacity and -impacts
Diller, Christian
Siedentop, Stefan
The polycentricity of German metropolitan areas - development of a remote sensing-based approach for measuring morphological polycentricity
Siedentop, Stefan
Taubenböck, Hannes
Transport infrastructure, urban structure and the trip to school - a case study of Luenen (NRW)
Scheiner, Joachim
Urban Travel Behavior in Large Cities of MENA Region (UTB-MENA)
Masoumi, Ph.D., Houshmand
Where are the jobs? Urban spatial structure and subcentering in an international comparison
Siedentop, Stefan
Taubenböck, Hannes