Leibniz-Institut für Neurobiologie (LIN)
Abteilung Funktionelle Architektur des Gedächtnisses
Brenneckestraße 6
39118 Magdeburg
This institution in GERiT
39118 Magdeburg
Research Grants
Current projects
Contribution of the hippocampal subfield CA1, CA3 and the trisynaptic and temporoamonic pathways to the retrieval of memory over half a life time
Sauvage, Magdalena
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Circuit-specific improvements of mnemonic discrimination in the rodent and human entorhino-hippocampal subnetworks
(Project Heads
Angenstein, Frank
Ciliberti, Ph.D., Davide
Sauvage, Magdalena
Completed projects
Medial temporal lobe and prefrontal cortex connectivity as a neural resource for recognition memory
(Project Heads
Prigge, Ph.D., Matthias
Sauvage, Magdalena
Medial temporal lobe structures underlying sensory information processing during memory retrieval
(Project Head
Sauvage, Magdalena
Processing spatial and non-spatial information during the retrieval of motivated memories
(Project Head
Sauvage, Magdalena