Universität Konstanz
Fachbereich Linguistik
Arbeitsgruppe Romanistische Sprachwissenschaft
Fach 189
78457 Konstanz
This institution in GERiT
78457 Konstanz
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Entwicklung und Variation expletiver und neutraler Pronomina in den romanischen Sprachen
(Project Head
Kaiser, Georg A.
Linguistic Features of First Language Attrition and Second Language Acqisition in Adult Bilinguals (German-French and German-Italian)
(Project Head
Kupisch, Tanja
Research Grants
Completed projects
Dialectal, acquisitional, and diachronic data and investigations on subject pronouns in Gallo-Romance
Kaiser, Georg A.
Uncovering verb-second effects. An interface-based typology
Kaiser, Georg A.
Research Units
Completed projects
FOR 2111: Questions at the Interfaces (QI)
Butt, Miriam
Non-canonical questions in early and late bilingual language acquisition
Kupisch, Tanja
Marinis, Theodoros
The structure of wh-utterances and the interpretation of wh-words in Romance (and Germanic) languages
Kaiser, Georg A.
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2035: The Politics of Inequality: Perceptions, Participation and Policies
Busemeyer, Marius
Diehl, Claudia
Spilker, Gabriele
Weidmann, Nils B.