Bernhard-Nocht-Institut für Tropenmedizin (BNITM)
Sektion für Molekularbiologie und Immunologie
Arbeitsgruppe Helminthen-Immunologie
Bernhard-Nocht-Straße 74
20359 Hamburg
This institution in GERiT
20359 Hamburg
Research Grants
Current projects
Elucidating helminth-mediated suppression of anti-influenza vaccination efficacy using Systems Vaccinology
Addo, Marylyn Martina
Breloer, Minka
Regulatory function of CD160 in helminth infection
Breloer, Minka
Completed projects
Analysis of Host-Parasite Cross-Talk based on the Bovine Model for Human Onchocerciasis, Onchocerca ochengi
Betzel, Christian
Brattig, Norbert
Liebau, Eva
Renz, Alfons
Modulation of cellular and humoral immune response to third party antigens in nematode-infected mice
Breloer, Minka
Role of the C-type lectin receptor MINCLE in Strongyloides ratti recognition and anti-helminth immune responses
Breloer, Minka
Lepenies, Bernd