Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
Institut für Technische Chemie und Polymerchemie
Arbeitsgruppe Polymere Materialien
76128 Karlsruhe
This institution in GERiT
76128 Karlsruhe
Research Grants
Current projects
Correlation of molecular polymer properties with application properties of closed-cell foams based on self-synthesized model systems
Wilhelm, Manfred
Distribution of low-molecular weight ions in charged hydrogels in equilibrium and under the application of external stimuli
Holm, Christian
Wilhelm, Manfred
New piperidinones as material platform for reversible polymer chemistries
Sommer, Michael
Wilhelm, Manfred
Novel coupled methods in high performance liquid chromatography with 1D/2D NMR detection based on low field NMR spectrometer
Wilhelm, Manfred
Completed projects
Advanced rheological studies of glass-forming colloidal dispersions: Combining experiment and theory
Fuchs, Matthias
Wilhelm, Manfred
Charakterisierung von Polymerlatices mit Hilfe der Fourier-Transform-Rheologie
Wilhelm, Manfred
Correlation of molecular dynamic and mechanical properties in the linear and non-linear regime of comb-like homopolymers via FT-rheology and multi-quantum-NMR-spectroscopy
Saalwächter, Kay
Wilhelm, Manfred
Correlations between rheological properties and branched model homopolymer topologies using Extensional and Fourier-Transform Rheology, as well as computational Finite Element simulations
Wilhelm, Manfred
Differentiation between long and short chain branching in polyolefins using FT-Rheology and 13-C-solid state NMR Spectroscopy
Wilhelm, Manfred
Experimental investigation and numerical simulation of the orientation processes in block copolymers on a macroscopic and a molecular level
Müller, Marcus
Wilhelm, Manfred
Korrelation zwischen Normalspannungseffekten und der molekularen Topologie von Polymeren mittels neuer hochsensitiver Detektionsmethoden
Wilhelm, Manfred
Study of the crystallization behavior of model polyolefins under quiescent and flow conditions using hyphenated techniques of rheology, NMR, and X-ray scattering
Mecking, Stefan
Wilhelm, Manfred
Synthesis and Mechanical Properties of Linear and Long-Chain Branched Homopolymer Topologies via Modular Ligation
Barner-Kowollik, Christopher
Wilhelm, Manfred
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Influence of superplasticizers on the structure-property relationship of fresh cement pastes analyzed by novel rheological combined techniques
Wilhelm, Manfred
Completed projects
Fourier Transformations Rheologie als neue nichtlineare mechanische Charakterisierungsmethode für Emulsionen und Suspensionen auch mittels simultaner Kleinwinkellichtstreuung und NMR Charakterisierung
Wilhelm, Manfred
Influence of non-linear mechanical stress on the molecular dynamics of composite materials via simultaneous Rheo-NMR and Rheo-SAXS characterisation
Wilhelm, Manfred
Untersuchungen zum Separationsmechanismus zwischen Elektrolyten und Hydrogelen durch externe Stimuli; Simulation und Experimente
Holm, Christian
Wilhelm, Manfred
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Deformationsgesteuertes Scherrheometer
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Integrated research training group
(Project Heads
Badilita, Vlad
Wilhelm, Manfred
Completed projects
Hydrogels for Separation of Ions Based on Defined Pore Structure
(Project Heads
Barner, Leonie
Wilhelm, Manfred
Integrated Graduate School
(Project Head
Wilhelm, Manfred
Multi-Dimensional SEC-Correlation-Spectroscopy
(Project Head
Wilhelm, Manfred
NMR Methods for the Characterization of Polymers
(Project Heads
Luy, Burkhard
Wilhelm, Manfred
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 3076: Sustainable hydrogels: From chemical structures to applicability
Bunzel, Mirko