INNOVENT Technologieentwicklung Jena e.V.
Forschungsbereich Biomaterialien
Prüssingstraße 27B
07745 Jena
This institution in GERiT
07745 Jena
Research Grants
Completed projects
Aminocoatings for improving implants’ tissue integration: understanding underlying biological mechanisms
Nebe, J. Barbara
Schnabelrauch, Matthias
Microenvironmental control of adult stem cell differentiation: Influence of biochemical ECM composition, ECM stiffness and electric fields
Heß, Ricarda
Strukturdesign von anionisch geladenen Hyaluronsäurederivaten
Schnabelrauch, Matthias
Completed projects
Sulfated glycoaminoglycans as coating for endoprostheses to improve osseointegration
(Project Heads
Hofbauer, Lorenz C.
Rammelt, Stefan
Schnabelrauch, Matthias
Synthesis and allocation of oligomeric and polymeric glycosaminoglycans and artificial extracellular matrices
(Project Heads
Giannis, Athanassios
Scharnweber, Dieter
Schiller, Jürgen
Schnabelrauch, Matthias
Synthesis and characterization of ECM-specific polysaccharides
(Project Heads
Schiller, Jürgen
Schnabelrauch, Matthias
TRR 67: Functional Biomaterials for Controlling Healing Processes in Bone und Skin - From Material Science to Clinical Application
Simon, Jan-Christoph