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Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU)
Lehrstuhl für Theoretische und Numerische Astrophysik
Scheinerstraße 1
81679 München
This institution in GERiT
81679 München
Priority Programmes
Current projects
How does the chemical composition of stars influence planet formation?
Bitsch, Bertram
Mountains and Deserts in the demographics of Giants
Ercolano, Ph.D., Barbara
Preibisch, Thomas
Completed projects
Anti-hierarchical black hole growth across cosmic history - X-ray constraints from deep fields and local mergers
Hasinger, Günther
Common Funds for SPP 1573
Burkert, Andreas
Deciphering the interstellar medium around the Scorpius-Centarus OB association
Preibisch, Thomas
Fragmentation und Sternentstehung in gravitativ instabilen Molekülwolken
Burkert, Andreas
Induzierte Sternentstehung in turbulenten Molekülwolken
Burkert, Andreas
Influence of irregular temperature variations caused by gravity waves on the infrared radiative cooling/heating of the mesosphere/lower termosphere
Pauldrach, Adalbert Wilhelm Alois
Junge Sternhaufen und Sternentstehung
Fritze-von Alvensleben, Uta
New technique for retrieving pressure and temperature distributions in the Martian atmosphere from the infrared limb observations
Pauldrach, Adalbert Wilhelm Alois
SPP 1573: Physics of the Interstellar Medium
Burkert, Andreas
Striations, wisps and arcs - the fascinating evolution of filaments in a violent environment
Burkert, Andreas
The journey of ionising photons through the porous ISM of galaxies
Ercolano, Ph.D., Barbara
Preibisch, Thomas
The origin of galactic disks
Burkert, Andreas
The physics of the interstellar medium under extreme conditions in Seyfert galaxies
Burkert, Andreas
The Structure and Formation of Elliptical Galaxies
Burkert, Andreas
Research Grants
Completed projects
Extragalactic nebular emission line analysis with realistic EUV spectral energy distributions of massive stars of different metallicities as a tool for measuring interstellar chemical abundances
Pauldrach, Adalbert Wilhelm Alois
Feeding and Feedback in the Nucleus of our Galaxy
Burkert, Andreas
Implementation of metals in a three-dimensional non-LTE radiative transfer code to simulate the intergalactic medium at early cosmological times
Pauldrach, Adalbert Wilhelm Alois
Infrarot-Interferometrische Untersuchungen der zirkumstellaren Materie und Multiplizität junger Sterne
Preibisch, Thomas
Magnetfelder der Sternentstehung als Heizmechanismus für diffus ionisiertes Gas im Interstellaren Medium
Lesch, Harald
Massive Star Feedback and Triggered Star Formation: Confronting multi-wavelength observations of the Carina Nebula with numerical simulations
Preibisch, Thomas
Multi-dimensional radiative transfer in the expanding atmospheres of massive stars
Puls, Joachim
Realistische synthetische Spektren für Supernovae als Werkzeug für die Quantifizierung der empirischen kosmologischen Konstanten bzw. der "dunklen Energie"
Pauldrach, Adalbert Wilhelm Alois
Self-consistent atmospheric models of very massive stars and their early evolution in dense stellar systems
Pauldrach, Adalbert Wilhelm Alois
Small-scale inhomogeneities and their impact on observed mass-loss rates of radiation-driven winds
Puls, Joachim
The impact of AGN-radiation on the evolution of galaxies and their circumgalactic medium
Obreja, Aura
Wasserstoffreiche Zentralsterne Planetarischer Nebel als Vorläufer von Weißen Zwergen und Typ la Supernovae - UV-Analysen zur Bestimmung der grundlegenden Sternparameter
Pauldrach, Adalbert Wilhelm Alois
Werner, Klaus
Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups
Completed projects
From dark to light: The connection between galaxies and their dark matter haloes through cosmic time
Moster, Benjamin
Research Units
Current projects
Coordination Funds
Ercolano, Ph.D., Barbara
Disk population study: observational constraints
Miotello, Ph.D., Anna
FOR 2634: Planet Formation Witnesses and Probes: Transition Discs
Ercolano, Ph.D., Barbara
Probing the inner planet-forming zones of disks with mid-infrared spectroscopy
van Dishoeck, Ewine F.
Solids and gas evolution in disks: observational constraints
Testi, Leonardo
The radiation-hydrodynamics of photoevaporative winds with chemistry
Ercolano, Ph.D., Barbara
Thermally-assisted magentocentrifugal outflows – theoretical predictions and observational signatures
Ercolano, Ph.D., Barbara
Gressel, Oliver
Thermochemistry of disc winds and atmospheres
Ercolano, Ph.D., Barbara
Completed projects
Gone with the wind: dust entrainment in photoevaporative winds
Ercolano, Ph.D., Barbara
New constraints on disk-dissipation processes from the relation between accretion and X-ray activity
Preibisch, Thomas
Transition disks and planetary systems
Dullemond, Cornelis Petrus
Current projects
Habitability of moons around free-floating planets
(Project Head
Ercolano, Ph.D., Barbara
Completed projects
Exoplanetary atmospheres and the connection to the building blocks of life in our solar system
(Project Heads
Caselli, Paola
Ercolano, Ph.D., Barbara
Mutschler, Hannes
Schmitt-Kopplin, Philippe
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Dynamische Entwicklung von Gas- und Sternkomponente in jungen Galaxien und Galaxiengruppen
(Project Heads
Burkert, Andreas
Spurzem, Rainer
Galaxienwechswelwirkung im jungen Universum
(Project Head
Burkert, Andreas
Clusters of Excellence
Completed projects
EXC 153: Origin and Structure of the Universe - The Cluster of Excellence for Fundamental Physics
Paul, Stephan
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2094: ORIGINS: From the Origin of the Universe to the First Building Blocks of Life
Burkert, Andreas
Paul, Stephan
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