Universitätsklinikum Erlangen AöR
Immunmodulatorische Abteilung
Hartmannstraße 14
91052 Erlangen
This institution in GERiT
91052 Erlangen
Research Grants
Current projects
Donor induced graft tolerance by sCD83 after corneal transplantation
Bock, Felix
Steinkasserer, Alexander
Impact of CD83 on the maintenance of intestinal metabolic and immune homeostasis
Mattner, Jochen
Zinser, Elisabeth
Completed projects
Charakterisierung des CD83 Promotors zwecks gezielter Genexpression in reifen dendritischen Zellen in vivo
Steinkasserer, Alexander
Control of herpes simplex virus type 1 specific replication and transmission mechanisms in human dendritic cells
Steinkasserer, Alexander
Functional analysis of the immune modulator sCD83 in pathogenesis and therapy of inflammatory bowel diseases
Lechmann, Ph.D., Matthias
Steinkasserer, Alexander
Functional modulation of regulatory T cells and analyses of the underlying mechanisms
Steinkasserer, Alexander
Identifikation und Charakterisierung neuer, funktionell relevanter Moleküle Dendritischer Zellen
Steinkasserer, Alexander
Regulation der Lymphozytenaktivierung mittels löslichem CD83
Steinkasserer, Alexander
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
CD83-based immunomodulation in ocular surface inflammation such as dry eye
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Howaldt, Antonia
Steinkasserer, Alexander
Completed projects
Charakterisierung des CD83 Promotors zwecks gezielter Genexpression in reifen Dendritischen Zellen in vivo
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Steinkasserer, Alexander
Control of HSV-1 specific replication and transmission mechanisms in human dentritic cells
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Steinkasserer, Alexander
Immune intervention in autoimmune disorders and transplantation using soluble CD83
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Steinkasserer, Alexander
Zinser, Elisabeth
Induction of tumor-specific immune responses by combined transcriptional- and transductional targeting of DC in vivo
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Steinkasserer, Alexander
Molekulare Mechanismen der Zellzyklusregulation von T-Lymphozyten nach Aktivierung bzw. Toleranzinduktion
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Funk, Jens Oliver
Steinkasserer, Alexander
Role of IDO in resolution of inflammatory autoimmune responses by CD83-induced regulatory mechanisms in arthritis
(Project Head
Steinkasserer, Alexander
Rolle von CD83 bei der Immunomodulation von Dendritischen Zellen
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Schuler, Gerold
Steinkasserer, Alexander
Clinical Research Units
Completed projects
Funktionelle Analyse des Immunmodulators sCD83 bei Pathogenese und Therapie entzündlicher Darmerkrankungen
Steinkasserer, Alexander
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2599: FAIR - Fine-Tuners of the Adaptive Immune Response
Jäck, Hans-Martin
Zaiss, Mario M.
Completed projects
GRK 592: Lymphocytes: Differentiation, Activation and Deviation
Jäck, Hans-Martin
GRK 1071: Viruses of the Immune System
Fleckenstein, Bernhard
GRK 1660: Key Signals of Adaptive Immune Response
Jäck, Hans-Martin