Universität Siegen
Department Psychologie
Professur für Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie
Adolf-Reichwein-Straße 2a
57076 Siegen
This institution in GERiT
57076 Siegen
Research Grants
Current projects
Effects of acute stress and cortisol on appetitive extinction: exploring the neuroendocrine mechanisms
Finke, Johannes
Solidifying fundamental methodological practices of hair cortisol analysis: an investigation into the influence of storage duration, scalp region and sampling method on hair cortisol results
Stalder, Tobias
Completed projects
Differential effects of immediate vs. delayed extinction training and the variation of the time interval between extinction training and test on the return of fear: neural and peripheral-physiological correlates
Klucken, Tim
Gene x Brain Interaction: Neuronale Korrelate langfristiger Extinktionsprozesse in Abhängigkeit des COMT-Polymorphismus
Klucken, Tim
Neural correlates of appetitive extinction processes
Klucken, Tim
Predictive role of long-term cortisol levels in hair for the development of posttraumatic stress disorder after rape exposure
Kirschbaum, Clemens
Miller, Robert
Stalder, Tobias
Steroid hormone levels in posttraumatic stress disorder: Examination of long-term endocrine alterations in a cross-sectional and a therapy evaluation design
Stalder, Tobias
The influence of contingency awareness on appetitive conditioning processes
Klucken, Tim
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2493: Between user-focused and impact research. Consequences of social services work
Munsch, Chantal