Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Department Nutztierwissenschaften
Abteilung Functional Breeding
Burckhardtweg 2
37077 Göttingen
This institution in GERiT
37077 Göttingen
Research Grants
Current projects
Dissection of the molecular mechanisms leading to amyloid arthropathy in chickens
Falker-Gieske, Clemens
Molecular and genomic characterisation of the hybridisation between goat and sheep
Falker-Gieske, Clemens
QTCCm: From Quantitative Trait Correlation to Causation in dairy cattle – using transcriptome and metabolome data
Bennewitz, Jörn
Tetens, Jens
Thaller, Georg
Completed projects
Identification and functional characterization of causal genes affecting feather pecking and aggressive pecking in laying hens
Bennewitz, Jörn
Tetens, Jens