Universität Bielefeld
Technische Fakultät
Computational Metagenomics
Post Office Box 100131
33501 Bielefeld
This institution in GERiT
33501 Bielefeld
NFDI-Basic Services
Current projects
Base4NFDI - Basic Services for NFDI (NFDI4Microbiota)
Förstner, Konrad
Research Grants
Completed projects
Decoding the microbial connectivity of livestock manure and anaerobic digestion (biogas) microbiomes
Amon, Barbara
Herrmann, Christiane
Lebuhn, Michael
Schlüter, Andreas
Sczyrba, Alexander
Theuerl, Susanne
Unleashing the hidden potential of the anaerobic fungi (Neocallimastigomycota)
Flad, Veronika
Sczyrba, Alexander
Wurzbacher, Christian
International Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1906: Computational Methods for the Analysis of the Diversity and Dynamics of Genomes
Stoye, Jens
NFDI technical and methodological consortia
Current projects
NFDI4Microbiota - National Research Data Infrastructure for Microbiota Research
Förstner, Konrad