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Fraunhofer-Institut für Produktionsanlagen und Konstruktionstechnik (IPK)
Geschäftsfeld Füge- und Beschichtungstechnik
Pascalstraße 8-9
10587 Berlin
This institution in GERiT
10587 Berlin
Research Grants
Current projects
Additive manufacturing of Nickel-Titanium shape memory alloys with help of laser metal deposition
Gumenyuk, Andrey
Olbricht, Jürgen
Design and development of a measuring method to determine the strain state during hot crack initiation
Gumenyuk, Andrey
Development of a physics-informed machine learning framework to predict process porosity formation and to optimize welding parameters in high-power laser beam welding
Meng, Xiangmeng
Multi-physical simulation of hydrogen porosity suppression in high-power laser beam welding with an oscillating magnetic field
Bachmann, Marcel
Multi-physical simulation of the influence of an auxiliary magnetic field on the process porosity formation during high-power laser beam welding
Bachmann, Marcel
Numerical analysis of magnetic-controlled periodic solidification pattern in deeppenetration laser beam welding of aluminium alloys
Bachmann, Marcel
Theoretical and experimental study of the metallurgy of phase transformations in nickel superalloys for multiple thermal cycling conditions during DMD-based additive process
Gumenyuk, Andrey
Completed projects
Coupled numerical investigation of centerline crack formation in high power laser beam welding
Bachmann, Marcel
Experimental and numerical investigation of the formation mechanisms of the bulging effect and its influence on the development of centerline cracking defects in high power laser beam welding of low-alloyed steels of high thickness
Bachmann, Marcel
In-situ Untersuchungen während des Schweißens mit LTT-Zusatzwerkstoffen
Gibmeier, Jens
Rethmeier, Michael
Investigation of the combined process chain based on SLM and LMD
Rethmeier, Michael
Uhlmann, Eckart
Laser beam joint welding of complex powder bed based additive manufactured components
Hilgenberg, Kai
Rethmeier, Michael
Method development for the avoidance of liquid metal embrittlement during resistance spot welding of advanced high strength steels
Meschut, Gerson
Rethmeier, Michael
Numerical simulation of an electromagnetic weld pool control for high power laser beam welding of high thickness metal parts
Rethmeier, Michael
Simulation of the Coupled Plastic Material Flow-Thermal-Mechanical Phenomena in Friction Stir Welding of High Strength Aluminium Alloys
Rethmeier, Michael
Simulation of the influence of electromagnetic stirring during laser beam welding of thick-walled steel components with filler material
Bachmann, Marcel
Simulationsgestützte Einflussanalyse der Festphasenumwandlung auf die Schweißeigenspannungen bei Verwendung martensitischer Zusatzwerkstoffe
Rethmeier, Michael
Research Units
Current projects
FOR 5134: Solidification Cracks during Laser Beam Welding: High Performance Computing for High Performance Processing
Schmidt, Michael
Macro-mechanical modelling of the material behavior during laser beam welding under mechanical load
Rethmeier, Michael
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Sustainable welding production by combined application of numerical simulation and new process technologies
(Project Heads
Pittner, Andreas
Rethmeier, Michael
Schwenk, Christopher
Additional Information
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