Technische Universität München (TUM)
TUM School of Life Sciences
Professur für Biotechnologie der Reproduktion
Liesel-Beckmann-Straße 1
85354 Freising
This institution in GERiT
85354 Freising
Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups
Completed projects
Genetically engineered chicken models: novel tools to investigate lymphocyte development and function
Schusser, Benjamin
Research Grants
Completed projects
Analyzing the role of the retinoic acid-inducible gene I (RIG-I) in response to avian influenza virus infection using transgenic chicken models
Sid, Hicham
Utilization of the CRISPR/Cas9 systems to protect chickens against Mareks disease virus and as a tool to dissect virus pathogenesis
Kaufer, Ph.D., Benedikt Bertold
Schusser, Benjamin
Research Units
Current projects
FOR 5130: ImmunoChick- Unravelling the avian immune response in the context of infection
Kaufer, Ph.D., Benedikt Bertold
The role of T cells in the protection against epithelial infections in chickens
Schusser, Benjamin
WBP Position
Current projects
Unravelling the role of B cells in mediating the immune response and providing protection against Salmonella infection using gene-edited chickens
Alhussien, Ph.D., Mohanned
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Use of primordial germ cell based chicken transgene & knockout techniques to establish animal models for studies in development & infection
Schusser, Benjamin