Helmholtz-Zentrum für Polar- und Meeresforschung
Fachbereich Klimawissenschaften
Sektion Physikalische Ozeanographie der Polarmeere
Bussestraße 24
27570 Bremerhaven
This institution in GERiT
27570 Bremerhaven
Research Grants
Current projects
AEI-DFG Denmark Strait - Mixing and Sediment Dynamics
von Appen, Wilken Jon
Frajka-Williams, Ph.D., Eleanor
Completed projects
Process study of vertical mixing near the sea floor inside the central valley of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge near 37°N
Kanzow, Ph.D., Torsten
The Impact of Ocean Margin Processes in the Labrador Sea on the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation
Kanzow, Ph.D., Torsten
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Access of Atlantic Water to East Greenland glaciers
Kanzow, Ph.D., Torsten
Timmermann, Ralph
Infrastructure Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Sources and Variability of Weddell Sea Deep Water
Kanzow, Ph.D., Torsten
WedUP: Weddell Gyre Upwelling and dynamical Processes
Reeve, Krissy
Current projects
Coupling between atmosphere, mixed layer and pycnocline under Arctic amplification: the role of sea ice related processes
(Project Heads
Kanzow, Ph.D., Torsten
Rhein, Monika
Walter, Maren
Interaction of meridional ocean heat transports and regional processes in the Arctic Ocean
(Project Heads
Gerdes, Rüdiger
Kanzow, Ph.D., Torsten
Salzmann, Marc
Completed projects
Energy transfers in gravity currents
(Project Heads
Kanzow, Ph.D., Torsten
Losch, Ph.D., Martin
Pollmann, Friederike
Research Units
Completed projects
FOR 1740: A New Approach toward Improved Estimates of Atlantic Ocean Freshwater Budgets and Transports as Part of the Global Hydrological Cycle
Stammer, Detlef