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Universitätsklinikum Gießen und Marburg
Standort Gießen
Medizinische Klinik II
Department of Molecular Pneumology
Aulweg 130
35392 Gießen
This institution in GERiT
35392 Gießen
Research Grants
Completed projects
Die Rolle von Cytochrom P450-abgeleiteten Eicosanoiden in der Pathogenese der pulmonalen Hypertonie des Menschen
Kiss, Ladislau
Die Rolle von "transient receptor potential (TRP)"-Kanälen bei der Hypoxie-induzierten pulmonalen Hypertonie und beim vaskulären Gefäßumbau
Dietrich, Alexander
FGF10/FGFR2b signaling in lung emphysema as a target for lung regeneration
Bellusci, Saverio
Weißmann, Norbert
Identification of the superoxide source of tobacco-smoke-induced emphysema and pulmonary hypertension, pathogenesis and regeneration.
Weißmann, Norbert
Interaction of ROS sources, mitochondrial biogenesis and redox-signaling in pulmonary hypertension.
Weißmann, Norbert
Investigating sestrin 2 (sesn2) control of TGF-beta, mTOR and PDGF signaling and its potential significance in the development of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
von Melchner, Ph.D., Harald
Weißmann, Norbert
Tyrosine kinase inhibition in pulmonary hypertension: experimental and clinical studies
Ghofrani, Hossein Ardeschir
Vaskuläre NADPH-Oxidase-Expression in einem Mausmodell der obstruktiven Schlaf-Apnoe
Schulz, Richard
Research Units
Current projects
Epigenetic-metabolic contribution to inflammatory phenotypes of CH in pulmonary hypertension (Project A3)
Savai Pullamsetti, Soni
FOR 5643: Clonal hematopoiesis: Pathomechanisms and clinical consequences in the heart and blood
Rieger, Michael
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Central tasks, management and coordination
(Project Head
Weißmann, Norbert
FOXO transcription factors in PH: critical integrators of multiple immune signaling pathways driving pulmonary vascular and right ventricular remodeling
(Project Heads
Dobreva, Gergana
Savai Pullamsetti, Soni
Inflammatory lung microenvironment in lung cancer-associated pulmonary hypertension
(Project Heads
Ghofrani, Hossein Ardeschir
Grimminger, Friedrich
Schermuly, Ralph
Weiß, Astrid
iNOS- and NoxO1-based redox signaling in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) associated PH – pathomechanisms and therapeutic exploitation
(Project Heads
Gredic, Ph.D., Marija
Weißmann, Norbert
Regulatory network of histone modifications in human pulmonary arterial hypertension
(Project Heads
Bauer, Uta-Maria
Savai Pullamsetti, Soni
Right ventricular (RV) function in pulmonary hypertension and impact of targeted interventions on RV-PA (pulmonary artery) coupling
(Project Heads
Ghofrani, Hossein Ardeschir
Seeger, Werner
Tello, Khodr
Sensing and signaling events underlying development and recovery of hypoxia-induced pulmonary hypertension
(Project Heads
Sommer, Ph.D., Natascha
Weißmann, Norbert
SFB 1213: Pulmonary Hypertension and Cor Pulmonale
Weißmann, Norbert
Completed projects
Charakterisierung des Ischämie-Reperfusionssyndroms der Lunge und Entwicklung von Strategien zur therapeutischen Beeinflussung
(Project Heads
Ghofrani, Hossein Ardeschir
Grimminger, Friedrich
Charakterisierung von Sensor- und Effektormechanismus der vaskulären Widerstandserhöhung bei akuter und chronischer alveolärer Hypoxie
(Project Head
Weißmann, Norbert
Deep phenotyping combined with genomic, proteomic and metabolomic analyses in Kyrgyz highlanders – association with high altitude adaptation
(Project Heads
Ghofrani, Hossein Ardeschir
Wilkins, Martin
NADPH-Oxidassen als molekulare Quelle von oxidativem Stress im kardiopulmonalen Blutgefäßsystem
(Project Heads
Schmidt, Harald
Weißmann, Norbert
Rolle von Phosphodiesterase-5 Inhibition in der Behandlung der chronisch thromboembolischen pulmonalen Hypertonie: Einfluss auf die pulmonale Hämodynamik und das rechtskardiale Remodeling
(Project Heads
Braun, Thomas
Ghofrani, Hossein Ardeschir
The role of HIF-1 and its regulators p53 and Smyd2 in right ventricular hypertrophy and failure
(Project Heads
Novoyatleva, Tatyana
Schermuly, Ralph
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Signalverarbeitung und Zelldifferenzierung des Alveolarepithels - Einfluß physiologischer und medikamentöser Stimuli sowie inflammatorischer Mediatoren
Ghofrani, Hossein Ardeschir
Clinical Research Units
Completed projects
Role of Phosphodiesterases in Lung Fibrosis - Pathogenetic Mechanisms and Therapeutic Options
Savai Pullamsetti, Soni
Completed projects
Lung protection in severe COVID-19 by means of Tie2 agonism
(Project Heads
Weißmann, Norbert
Witzenrath, Martin
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 534: Biological Basis of Vascular Medicine
Piper, Hans Michael
International Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1062: Signalling Mechanisms in Lung Physiology and Disease (SMLPD)
Seeger, Werner
Clusters of Excellence
Completed projects
EXC 147: Cardio-Pulmonary System
Dimmeler, Stefanie
Seeger, Werner
Zeiher, Andreas Michael
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2026: Cardio-Pulmonary Institute (CPI)
Dimmeler, Stefanie
Seeger, Werner
Additional Information
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