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Technische Universität Berlin
Institut für Ökologie
Fachgebiet Bodenkunde
Ernst-Reuter-Platz 1
10587 Berlin
This institution in GERiT
10587 Berlin
Research Grants
Current projects
Modelling the Impact of Crop Residue Management, Organic Fertilization and associated Application Techniques on N2O and N2 Emissions from Agricultural Soils (MOFANE 2)
Dechow, Rene
Lucas, Maik
Well, Reinhard
Plastic surfaces in soil: Analysis, reproduction and environmental effects of soil microplastic
Büks, Frederick
Completed projects
Andosol genesis: Transition from silandic to aluandic properties and the related changes for organic carbon storage.
Kaiser, Klaus
Kaupenjohann, Martin
Dissolved carbon as a component of net biome productivity of major land use systems
Kaiser, Klaus
Kaupenjohann, Martin
Einfluss des Aggregierungsgrades von Allophan auf die Bildung von Oberflächenpräzipitaten
Lang, Friederike
Einfluss von Kalkung auf die Mobilisierbarkeit von kolloidalem Blei, Arsen und Antimon auf Schießplatzböden
Lang, Friederike
Elucidating the 3D chemical and physical architecture of soil microstructures by combining spectromicroscopic techniques and developing of novel computational approaches
Höschen, Carmen
Formation and dynamics of organo-mineral associations in redoximorphic soils
Eusterhues, Karin
Müller, Carsten Werner
Rennert, Thilo
Kinetics of Small Scale Gradients of Pollutants in Soil Aggregates.
Kaupenjohann, Martin
Mobilisierung und Mobilität kolloidalen Phosphors in sandigen Böden
Kaupenjohann, Martin
Molybdänversorgung von Fichten in Beziehung zu Bindungsformen und Löslichkeit von Molybdän in sauren Waldböden
Kaupenjohann, Martin
Organischer Kohlenstoff in mineralischen Böden der Aue: Verteilungsmuster und Reaktion auf Veränderungen der Pegelstände
Lang, Friederike
Phosphate in the rhizosphere: The effect of organic coatings on mobilisation and fixation by iron oxides
Kaupenjohann, Martin
Reduction of Fe(III)hydroxides differing in stability by soil microorganisms depending on the concentration of substrate
Kaupenjohann, Martin
The role of clay minerals and metal oxides for organic matter stabilization in highly weathered tropical soils
Feger, Karl-Heinz
Kalbitz, Karsten
Kögel-Knabner, Ingrid
Mikutta, Robert
Research Units
Completed projects
Identification of soil-specific aging processes of EINP
Kaupenjohann, Martin
Klitzke, Sondra
Lang, Friederike
Rhizosphere as driver of subsoil organic matter distribution and composition
Kögel-Knabner, Ingrid
Sequestration of Veterinary Medicines in Soils
Kaupenjohann, Martin
Teilprojekt KOLLOID: Mechanismen der Kolloidmobilisierung in urbanen Böden und deren Bedeutung für die Schadstoffmobilität
Lang, Friederike
Priority Programmes
Current projects
The legacy of rhizosphere: how multi-year root activity fosters soil structure formation and the buildup of soil organic matter
Kögel-Knabner, Ingrid
Müller, Carsten Werner
Completed projects
Linking micro-aggregation to the sequestration of organic pollutants in soils
Lang, Friederike
Siemens, Jan
Microbial Engineers – Drivers of Earth Surface Development and Stabilization
Kögel-Knabner, Ingrid
Scholten, Thomas
PhosForDiv - Phosphate availability as driver of plant biodiversity in forest ecosystems
Kowarik, Ingo
Über den Einfluß natürlich gelagerter, aggregierter Böden auf den Eintrag refraktärer wasserlöslicher organischer Säuren in Gewässer. Teil II: Dynamik refraktärer Säuren in flachgründigen Waldböden
Zech, Wolfgang
Infrastructure Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Element cycles in forests and grasslands of the Biodiversity Exploratories: Response to management intensity and associated biodiversity
Kaupenjohann, Martin
Michalzik, Beate
Siemens, Jan
Microbial-mediated soil formation in maritime Antarctica under simulated environmental conditions
Kühn, Peter
Müller, Carsten Werner
Scholten, Thomas
Wagner, Dirk
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 259: Mitigation Strategies for the Emission of Greenhouse Gases and Environmentally Toxic Agents from Agriculture and Land Use
Zeddies, Jürgen
Additional Information
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