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Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM)
Abteilung 5: Werkstofftechnik
Unter den Eichen 87
12205 Berlin
This institution in GERiT
12205 Berlin
Research Grants
Current projects
Density-based Thermodynamic Model and Open-Source Software for Quantitative Description of Interfacial Phase Behavior in Multi-Phase Multi-Component Alloy Systems
Darvishi Kamachali, Reza
Elastic loading of a metallic glass as a method to obtain defined enthalpy states
Maaß, Robert
Materials Degradation Phenomena of High Temperature Alloys by Molten Salts (MaDMoS)
Bauer, Thomas
Krupp, Ulrich
Swaminathan, Srinivasan
Mitigating grain-boundary decohesion during liquid-metal embrittlement in advanced high-strength steels
Darvishi Kamachali, Reza
Hickel, Tilmann
Maaß, Robert
Physics-Informed Neural Networks Framework for High-Throughput Multi-Phase-Field Microstructure Simulation
Darvishi Kamachali, Reza
Completed projects
Bestimmung mikrostrukturabhängiger mechanischer Druckeigenschaften spritzgegossener teilkristalliner Thermoplasten
Kalinka, Gerhard
Michaeli, Walter
Biokompatibilität, Biodegradation, Vaskularisierung und Osteointegration von Calcium-Phosphat-Keramiken in Abhängigkeit der Phosphatstruktur
Klein, Moritz
Portella, Pedro Dolabella
Ceramic diffusion barriers for thermal barrier coatings in gas turbine blades
Nofz, Marianne
Portella, Pedro Dolabella
Damage mechanisms in continuously reinforced metal-matrix composites under thermo-mechanical cyclic loading for the system SiC/Ti-22Al-25Nb
Portella, Pedro Dolabella
Einfluß der dendritischen Heterogenität auf das Kriechverhalten einer einkristallinen Superlegierung der dritten Generation.
Portella, Pedro Dolabella
Einsatz von Scaffolds auf der Basis von schnell resorbierbaren Calciumalkaliorthophosphaten zur Knochenregeneration segmentaler Defekte in der Kieferchriurgie und zahnärztlichen Implantologie mittels Tissue Engineering
Knabe-Ducheyne, Christine
Portella, Pedro Dolabella
Europäische Nachwuchsakademie im Bereich Materialwissenschaft
Portella, Pedro Dolabella
Europäische Nachwuchsakademie im Bereich Werkstofftechnik
Portella, Pedro Dolabella
Fatigue of polymer composites under cyclic thermal loads
Kalinka, Gerhard
Sinapius, Michael
Inverse Analysis in the Context of Non-local Damage and Plasticity Models at High Strain Rates for the Determination and Investigation of Non-classical Material Parameters
Skrotzki, Birgit
Microstructural degratation of the single-crystal superalloy CMSX-4-during annealing under load: Implementation of rafting kinetics in mechanical modelling.
Link, Thomas
Portella, Pedro Dolabella
Mikroporosität in einkristallinen Nickelbasis-Superlegierungen: Bildung und Einfluss auf das mechanische Verhalten
Portella, Pedro Dolabella
Numerical Simulation of High-Temperature Steel Oxidation by Means of the Cellular Automata Approach: Model Development and Experimental Verification
Kranzmann, Axel
Krupp, Ulrich
Versagensmechanik langfaserverstärkter Metall-Matrix-Verbundwerkstoffe unter mechanischer und thermischer Wechselbelastung am Beispiel SiC/Ti-6242
Hemptenmacher, Jörg
Versagensverhalten der Faser-Matrix-Grenzschicht in Faserverbundwerkstoffen
Kalinka, Gerhard
Wachstum und Annihilation von Mikroporen in einkristallinen Nickelbasis-Superlegierungen während Homogenisierung und heiß-isostatischem Verdichten
Link, Thomas
Portella, Pedro Dolabella
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Local-to-average crystal structures and mechanical properties in High-Entropy and Compositionally Complex fcc, bcc and hcp-based alloys studied by synchrotron methods
Fantin, Ph.D., Andrea
Completed projects
3D-Mikrokalibrierstrukturen und Referenzflächen zur quantitativen Analyse der Topographie von mikrostrukturierten Membranen
Koenders, Ludger
Kranzmann, Axel
Coarsening and growth of meta-stable gamma''-precipitates in Nickel-base Superalloys
Glatzel, Uwe
Evolution of strengthening phases under in-service stresses and temperatures: phase-field and experimental study
Darvishi Kamachali, Reza
Skrotzki, Birgit
Heisenberg Fellowships
Current projects
Studying and design of chemo-mechanically heterogeneous microstructures using full-field and mean-field modelling
Darvishi Kamachali, Reza
Research Units
Completed projects
Biomechanik der Occlusionsfläche
Kaiser, Thomas M.
Kalinka, Gerhard
Interaction between epoxy matrix and nanoparticle
Garnweitner, Georg
Silbernagl, Dorothee
Sturm, Heinz
WBP Fellowship
Completed projects
Studies on the nature of primary surface crystallization in bioactive glasses of SiO2-P2O5-CaO-Na2O-K2O-CaF2 composition.
Blaeß, Carsten
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