Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
Institut für Angewandte Materialien
Mikrostruktur-Modellierung und Simulation (IAM-MMS)
Straße am Forum 7
76131 Karlsruhe
This institution in GERiT
76131 Karlsruhe
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Analysis, modeling and simulation of multi-scale, multi-phase solidification in alloy systems
Nestler, Britta
Phase-field modelling of magnetically induced microstructure evolution in martensitic polycrystals
Nestler, Britta
Phasenfeldmodellierung der Erstarrung in mehrkomponentigen und mehrphasigen Legierungssystemen
Nestler, Britta
Phasenfeldmodellierung der Erstarrung in mehrkomponentigen und mehrphasigen Legierungssystemen
Nestler, Britta
Scale-bridging phase-field simulations of microstructure responses on nucleation in metals and colloids
Nestler, Britta
Very high cycle fatigue mechanisms in small scale Al and Cu and alloy material investigated by simulation and novel uniaxial and multiaxial micro fatigue experiments
Eberl, Christoph
Weygand, Daniel
Research Grants
Current projects
Automatic, robust quantification of lung perfusion in DCE-MRI in a multicenter study with COPD patients (QuantLuPe)
Kauczor, Hans-Ulrich
Selzer, Michael
Ceria-based Cathodes for High Performance Electrolysis Cells
Bram, Martin
Nestler, Britta
Schneider, Daniel
Willinger, Ph.D., Marc Georg
Characterization, Modelling, and Homogenization of Dislocation Networks Using Interpretable Data Analysis
Böhm, Klemens
Schulz, Katrin
Simulation and experimental investigation of the reaction behavior of morphologically modified reactive multilayers
Mücklich, Frank
Nestler, Britta
Stüber, Michael
Completed projects
Atomistic and mesoscopic simulation of the strength and the dislocation motion in thin polycrystalline films
Gumbsch, Peter
CC-SS - coupled crack-seal simulation
Nestler, Britta
Reicherter, Klaus
Crystal growth velocity in deeply undercooled melts of glass forming Zr-based alloys
Herlach, Dieter M.
Nestler, Britta
Dislocation microstructure evolution: Enabling the analysis of experimentally measured structures within a discrete dislocation dynamics modelling framework
Weygand, Daniel
Eigenspannungsabbau in Schweißverbindungen aus hochfesten Stählen unter mehrachsiger Beanspruchung
Farajian, Majid
Einfluss von Grenzflächenanisotropie auf das Kornwachstum in perowskitischen Keramiken
Bäurer, Michael
Weygand, Daniel
Investigation to establish modelling and predictive methods for microstructure formation during freeze casting
Nestler, Britta
Oberacker, Rainer
Materialentwicklung zellulärer Composit-Strukturen - MatCoSt
Jost, Norbert
Microstructural pattern formation during eutectoid transformation in multicomponent steels
Nestler, Britta
Multiskalensimulation zur Strukturoptimierung der Partikelverteilungen im Energiesystem Fe-Cu-Ni-Mn
Nestler, Britta
Schmauder, Siegfried
Numerical and experimental study on the fragmentation of dendrites in the mushy zone of binary metal alloys
Nestler, Britta
Rettenmayr, Markus
Numerical Incorporation of the Damaging Effects of Residual Stresses in the Multiaxial Fatigue Assessment of Welded Components and Structures
Farajian, Majid
Reactive wetting of solid-liquid interfaces in the Au-Sn alloy system
Brillo, Jürgen
Nestler, Britta
Simulation der thermischen und mechanischen Beanspruchung von Bremsscheiben unter Berücksichtigung der Gefügestruktur
Nestler, Britta
Study of ternary eutectic microstructures using 3D phase-field simulations and directional solidification experiments of Al-Ag-Cu
Nestler, Britta
Ratke, Lorenz
Research Units
Current projects
FOR 5134: Solidification Cracks during Laser Beam Welding: High Performance Computing for High Performance Processing
Schmidt, Michael
Microstructure simulation of solidification in the weld
Nestler, Britta
Schneider, Daniel
Sustainable data and software management for research software to simulate solidification cracking during laser beam welding
Köstler, Harald
Selzer, Michael
Completed projects
Discrete Dislocation Dynamics
Weygand, Daniel
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2561: Materials Compounds from Composite Materials
Heilmaier, Martin
Completed projects
GRK 1483: Process Chains in Production: Interaction, Modelling and Assessment of Process Zones
Schulze, Volker
International Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 2078: Integrated engineering of continuous-discontinuous long fiber reinforced polymer structures
Böhlke, Thomas
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2154: POLiS - Post Lithium Storage Cluster of Excellence
Ehrenberg, Helmut
Fichtner, Maximilian
Groß, Axel
NFDI technical and methodological consortia
Current projects
NFDI4Ing – National Research Data Infrastructure for Engineering Sciences
Schmitt, Robert Heinrich