Europäisches Laboratorium für Molekularbiologie (EMBL)
Cell Biology and Biophysics Unit
Meyerhofstraße 1
69117 Heidelberg
This institution in GERiT
69117 Heidelberg
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Phase separation of Ki-67 during mitotic exit
Cuylen-Häring, Sara
Regulation kritischer Kontrollpunkte im eukaryontischen Zellzyklus und in der Embryonalentwicklung von Xenopus laevis durch cyclinabhängige Kinasen und Phosphatasen
Karsenti, Eric
Research Grants
Current projects
Homologous chromosome pairing in meiosis
Köhler, Simone
Regulation of synapsis and crossover formation in C. elegans meiosis
Köhler, Simone
Completed projects
Automated analysis of synaptic connections' ultrastructure in very large stacks of Electron Microscopy images
Kreshuk, Ph.D., Anna
Physiology: Modern Cell Biology Using Microscopic, Biochemical and Computational Approaches summer course
Hentrich, Christian-Michael
Research Units
Completed projects
FOR 2581: Quantitative Morphodynamics of Plants
Maizel, Alexis
Learning accurate plant cell segmentation and curation, with minimal human effort
Hamprecht, Fred A.
Kreshuk, Ph.D., Anna
Support for image segmentation
Kreshuk, Ph.D., Anna
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Centrosome stability and dysfunction in cancer cells
Ploubidou, Ph.D., Aspasia
Research data and software
Completed projects
Establishing a Decentralized and Vibrant Developer Community for ilastik
Kreshuk, Ph.D., Anna
NFDI technical and methodological consortia
Current projects
NFDI4BIOIMAGE - National research data infrastructure for microscopy and bioimage analysis
Weidtkamp-Peters, Stefanie