Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Stuttgart - Zentrum für Biodiversitätsforschung
Abteilung Botanik
Rosenstein 1
70191 Stuttgart
70191 Stuttgart
Research Grants
Current projects
Relative importance of flower visitors as effective pollinators along a disturbance gradient
Abrahamczyk, Stefan
WIND - An overlooked aspect of climate change impacts on plant communities
Liancourt, Ph.D., Pierre
Completed projects
Evolution of aquatic lifestyles in European species of the lichen forming genus Verrucaria (Verrucariales/Ascomycota)
Thüs, Holger
Molecular identification of gametophytes of bryophytes and ferns, and their potential use as bioindicators
Lehnert, Marcus
Pollination Ecology of Impatiens section Trimorphopetalum (Balsaminaceae) in Madagascar - Comparison of species with and without nectar reward
Fischer, Eberhard
Research Units
Completed projects
Fungal symbiosis in horn- and liverworts in the tropic mountain rainforest in dependence of habitat and systematic position
Nebel, Martin