Bayer AG
Müllerstraße 178
13353 Berlin
13353 Berlin
Research Grants
Completed projects
Tumorbiologische Bedeutung von Angiopoietin-2 und -1 im humanen Pankreaskarzinom
Scholz, Arne
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Chemo-Biosynthese von nicht-natürlichen Rifamycinen und Ansamitocinen und zellfreie Untersuchung der Substrattoleranz einzelner Module der Rifamycin- und Ansamitocin-Polyketid-Synthasen
Hartung, Ingo Volker
Fluorine-18-labeled Indole Derivatives for Positron Emission Tomographic Imaging of Epileptic Foci - Differentiation of Tryptophan Metabolic Pathways in Epilepsy
Heinrich, Tobias
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 426: Molecular Basis of Therapy
Birchmeier, Walter
GRK 1582: Fluorine as Key Element: Discovering Innovative Synthetic Concepts to Generate Novel Molecules with Unique Properties
Koksch, Beate
Bayer Pharma AG, Wuppertal
Bayer Pharma AG
Cardiology Research