Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Campus Charité Mitte
Neurowissenschaftliches Forschungszentrum
Charitéplatz 1
10117 Berlin
This institution in GERiT
10117 Berlin
Emmy Noether International Fellowships
Completed projects
Synaptische Aktivierung von Kainat-Rezeptoren an hippocampalen Neuronen
Schmitz, Dietmar
Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups
Completed projects
Synaptische Aktivierung von Kainat-Rezeptoren an hippocampalen Neuronen
Schmitz, Dietmar
Priority Programmes
Current projects
SPP 2411: Sensing LOOPS: cortico-subcortical interactions for adaptive sensing
de Hoz, Ph.D., Livia
SPP2411 - Sensing LOOPS: cortico-subcortical interactions for adaptive sensing
de Hoz, Ph.D., Livia
Temporal dynamics of unsupervised contextual learning in cortico-collicular loops
de Hoz, Ph.D., Livia
The mediodorsal thalamus as a central hub in olfactory learning
Johenning, Friedrich
Schiller, Ph.D., Jackie
Completed projects
Delineating and testing a microcircuit model of parahippocampal phase precession
Brecht, Michael
Kempter, Richard
Schmitz, Dietmar
Die Rolle von Neurotrophinen in der Entwicklung räumlich koordinierter Aktivitätsmuster in der Netzhaut
Grantyn, Rosemarie
Glia-mediated control of extracellular GABA/glutamate balance in the developing cortex
Kirischuk, Sergei
Selective neuronal cell death in Alzheimer`s disease: role of apolipoprotein E4,P/Q type Ca2+-channels and oxidative stress in entorhinal cortex layer II stellate cells
Grantyn, Rosemarie
Research Grants
Current projects
Effects of associative learning on neuronal activity in the entire adult vertebrate brain
Markov, Ph.D., Daniil
GPRIN proteins and their effects on kainate receptor function
Schmitz, Dietmar
Shoichet, Sarah A.
Mechanisms of presynaptic structural plasticity at hippocampal mossy fiber boutons
Orlando, Marta
Metabolic state dependence of olfactory cortex flavor representation during hedonic overeating
Johenning, Friedrich
Rewiring of GABAergic inhibitory cells recruited during spatial representation
Haberl, Matthias
Viana da Silva, Ph.D., Silvia
Subpopulation of CA3 pyramidal cells drive hippocampal sharp wave-ripple complex
Dugladze, Tamar
Gloveli, Tengis
Underlying mechanisms of diverse functions in excitatory and inhibitory synapses
Herman, Melissa
Completed projects
Auditory processing by distributed circuits in the new vertebrate model Danionella translucida
Judkewitz, Ph.D., Benjamin
Calcium Signals in Neurons During Early Development: Experiments and Theory
Johenning, Friedrich
Sokolov, Igor M.
Cell-type specific changes in perisomatic inhibition in an animal model of temporal lobe epilepsy
Gloveli, Tengis
Vida, Imre
Deep-tissue imaging with time-reversed light using three-photon F-SHARP microscopy
Judkewitz, Ph.D., Benjamin
Dynamic of axonal activity during fast network oscillations and plasticity
Gloveli, Tengis
Functional role of astrocytes in neuronal sharp wave ripple oscillations
Pannasch, Ulrike
Glutamaterge Synapsen an visuellen Neuronen von (bdnf-/-)-Mäusen nach biolistischer Transfektion mit bdnf
Grantyn, Rosemarie
Heterosynaptische Plastizität im Colliculus Superior: Mechanismen der Anpassung inhibitorischer Synapsen an die veränderte Aktivität glutamaterger synaptischer Eingänge
Grantyn, Rosemarie
Investigation of divergent vesicle recycling mechanisms in glutamatergic and GABAergic synapses.
Herman, Melissa
Investigations into novel functions of JNK in neurons: Regulation of post-synaptic scaffold proteins by JNK3
Shoichet, Sarah A.
Kurz- und Langzeit-Plastizität an der Moosfaser-Synapse des Hippocampus
Schmitz, Dietmar
Plasticity and function of backpropagating Action Potential mediated calcium signals in dendritic spines
Johenning, Friedrich
Rhythmogenese und synaptische Plastizität im entorhinalen Kortex-Hippokampus-Komplex
Heinemann, Uwe
Role of kainate receptors in olfactory learning
Schmitz, Dietmar
Schmitz, Dietmar
Clinical Research Units
Current projects
Autoantibody pathogenicity in antibody-induced and common neurodegenerative diseases
Schmitz, Dietmar
Wegmann, Ph.D., Susanne
KFO 5023: BECAUSE-Y Berlin Center for Diagnosing, Understanding and Treating Antibody(Y)-mediated Neurological Diseases
Endres, Matthias
Completed projects
Zelluläre Plastizität bei hochfrequenter Stimulation im Nucleus subthalamicus von Parkinson-Mäusen
Grantyn, Rosemarie
WBP Position
Current projects
Investigating neural substrates of stable auditory representation in cortical and subcortical areas using illusory stimuli
Onorato, Irene
Completed projects
Multimodal integration of courtship signals in songbirds
Kosubek-Langer, Jennifer
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Development of molecular tools for manipulating and studying memory engrams
(Project Heads
Hegemann, Peter
Rosenmund, Christian
Rost, Benjamin
Schmitz, Dietmar
Vierock, Johannes
Differential embedding of hippocampal output neurons during memory-related oscillations
(Project Head
Schmitz, Dietmar
Dreaming in context – Role of context in sensory cortico-hippocampal interactions during consolidation
(Project Head
de Hoz, Ph.D., Livia
Inhibitory control of memory consolidation in primary somatosensory cortex
(Project Heads
Judkewitz, Ph.D., Benjamin
Poulet, Ph.D., James F.A.
Role of heterogeneous pyramidal cell populations and specific connectivity motifs in pattern completion and replay of memory sequences
(Project Heads
Kempter, Richard
Schmitz, Dietmar
Completed projects
Functional regulation of postsynaptic scaffold proteins
(Project Heads
Shoichet, Sarah A.
Wahl, Markus C.
Funktionelle Eigenschaften und manipulierte Differenzierung von Retinoblastomzellen
(Project Head
Grantyn, Rosemarie
Heterosynaptische Plastizität im Colliculus Superior: Mechanismen der Anpassung inhibitorischer Synapsen an die veränderte Aktivität glutamaterger synaptischer Eingänge
(Project Heads
Grantyn, Rosemarie
Kirischuk, Sergei
Induction and suppression of febrile seizures
(Project Heads
Schmitz, Dietmar
Schuchmann, Sebastian
Rhythmogenese und synaptische Plastizität im entorhinalen Cortex
(Project Heads
Gloveli, Tengis
Heinemann, Uwe
Sorting of VGLUT between vesicular and plasma membrane compartments: role of endocytic protein scaffolds and their impact on synaptic transmission
(Project Heads
Ahnert-Hilger, Gudrun
Schmitz, Dietmar
Synaptic conductances during sharp wave-ripple complexes
(Project Heads
Brecht, Michael
Kempter, Richard
Schmitz, Dietmar
Synaptic scaffold proteins regulate presynaptic proteostasis
(Project Heads
Garner, Craig C.
Schmitz, Dietmar
The role of the RIM-binding protein active zone scaffold in regulating neurotransmitter release at diverse central synapses
(Project Heads
Rosenmund, Christian
Schmitz, Dietmar
Unterstanding the function of Shank2 and its role in autism
(Project Head
Schmitz, Dietmar
Current projects
Rewiring of GABAergic inhibitory cells recruited during spatial encoding
(Project Heads
Haberl, Matthias
Viana da Silva, Ph.D., Silvia
Completed projects
Functional and structural alterations in hippocampal inhibitory innervation in mesial temporal lobe epilepsy
(Project Heads
Gloveli, Tengis
Meier, Jochen
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 238: Mechanisms of Damage in CNS Disease - Application of Imaging Techniques
Heinemann, Uwe
GRK 1123: Cellular Mechanisms of Learning and Memory Consolidation in the Hippocampal Formation
Schmitz, Dietmar
Clusters of Excellence
Completed projects
EXC 257: NeuroCure - Towards a Better Outcome of Neurological Disorders
Schmitz, Dietmar
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2049: NeuroCure
Dirnagl, Ulrich
Schmitz, Dietmar
Graduate Schools
Completed projects
GSC 86: Berlin School of Mind and Brain
Pauen, Michael
Villringer, Arno