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Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft (FHI)
Abteilung Physikalische Chemie
Faradayweg 4-6
14195 Berlin
This institution in GERiT
14195 Berlin
Heisenberg Fellowships
Completed projects
Wolf, Martin
Ultrakurzzeitdynamik an Grenzflächen
Bovensiepen, Uwe
Independent Junior Research Groups
Current projects
Circular Phononics: Driving Matter by Phonon Angular Momentum
Maehrlein, Sebastian
Completed projects
Beyond time constants: Quantifying interactions in correlated materials by complementary ultrafast time-domain approaches
Rettig, Laurenz
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Exploring Electronic Correlations, Excitonics and Topology on Ultrafast Timescales in van der Waals Heterostructures
Ernstorfer, Ralph
Completed projects
Ladungsträgerdynamik in molekularen Schaltern adsorbiert an Halbleiteroberflächen
Wolf, Martin
Magnetization dynamics of ferromagnetic rare earth metals induced by femtosecond laser excitation
Bovensiepen, Uwe
Time-resolved electron dynamics and electron transfer reactions at the adsorbate/metal interface
Wolf, Martin
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Analyse und Steuerung der Musterbildung an Elektroden-Oberflächen
(Project Heads
Eiswirth, Ralf Markus
Krischer, Katharina
Assembly and local probing of single molecules on ultrathin ZnO films on metals
(Project Heads
Kumagai, Ph.D., Takashi
Wolf, Martin
Complex switching units and molecular architectures, studied by scanning tunneling microscopy
(Project Heads
Grill, Leonhard
Wolf, Martin
Control of self-organization in dynamical networks
(Project Head
Mikhailov, Alexander S.
Femtosekunden-zeitaufgelöste Elektronen- und Spindynamik in dünnen Metallfilmen
(Project Heads
Bovensiepen, Uwe
Matthias, Eckart
Wolf, Martin
Mesoskopische Strukturen und Epitaxie auf höherindizierten GaAs-Oberflächen
(Project Head
Jacobi, Karl
Molecular switching in self-assembled monolayers at liquid-solid interfaces
(Project Heads
Campen, Ph.D., Richard Kramer
Wolf, Martin
Self-organization Processes at Active Interfaces
(Project Heads
Bär, Markus
Mikhailov, Alexander S.
Time-, momentum-, and energy-resolved dynamics of excitons and phonons in TMDC/organic hybrids
(Project Heads
Ernstorfer, Ralph
Wolf, Martin
Ultrafast Dynamics of Photostimulated Reactions at Surfaces: Analysis and Control
(Project Heads
Bovensiepen, Uwe
Frischkorn, Christian
Wolf, Martin
Ultrakurzzeitdynamik photostimulierter Oberflächenreaktionen: Analyse und Kontrolle
(Project Heads
Ekardt, Walter
Ertl, Gerhard
Frischkorn, Christian
Research Units
Current projects
FOR 5750: Optical Control of Quantum Materials (OPTIMAL)
Kennes, Dante Marvin
P3: Coherent control of Kagome metals
Rettig, Laurenz
Sentef, Michael
Completed projects
Time-resolved spectroscopy of photo-induced transitions and electronic excitations in quasi-1D metal wires on semiconductors
Bovensiepen, Uwe
Wolf, Martin
Research Grants
Current projects
Correlated electron and structural dynamics in quasi-2D Hybrid Perovskites
Maehrlein, Sebastian
Completed projects
Towards an understanding of the surface photocatalytic decomposition of H2O: Electronic structure and femtosecond electron dynamics
Wolf, Martin
Towards an understanding of the surface photocatalytic decomposition of H2O: Electronic structure and femtosecond electron dynamics
Saalfrank, Peter
Zeitaufgelöste Ladungsträgerdynamik in niederdimensionalen Metallstrukturen auf Siliziumoberflächen
Bovensiepen, Uwe
Current projects
Momentum-resolved dynamics of relaxation processes and control of spins and pseudospins in two-dimensional spintronic heterostructures
(Project Heads
Ernstorfer, Ralph
Gahl, Cornelius
Rettig, Laurenz
Wolf, Martin
Spin-lattice coupling on ultrafast time scales
(Project Heads
Bargheer, Matias
Ernstorfer, Ralph
Windsor, Yoav William
Completed projects
Ultrafast magnetization dynamics and spin transport in magnetic oxide heterostructures
(Project Head
Rettig, Laurenz
NFDI technical and methodological consortia
Current projects
FAIRmat – FAIR Data Infrastructure for Condensed-Matter Physics and the Chemical Physics of Solids
Draxl, Claudia
Additional Information
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