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Max-Planck-Institut für Multidisziplinäre Naturwissenschaften
Abteilung für theoretische und computergestützte Biophysik
Am Faßberg 11
37077 Göttingen
This institution in GERiT
37077 Göttingen
Research Grants
Completed projects
Computersimulation und Interpretation kraftmikroskopischer Experimente zur Antikörper-Antigen-Bindung
Grubmüller, Helmut
Grubmüller, Helmut
Meier, Thomas
Müller, Daniel J.
Research Units
Completed projects
FOR 1805: Ribosome Dynamics in Regulation of Speed and Accuracy of Translation
Ignatova, Zoya
Probing the mechanisms of unnatural protein translation with an engineered genetic code and orthogonal translational pairs
Budisa, Nediljko
Vaiana, Andrea C.
Structural studies of ribosome-SelB complexes and ribosome nascent chain folding intermediates by cryo-EM and molecular dynamics simulations
Grubmüller, Helmut
Stark, Holger
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Stochastic computed tomography: theory and algorithms for single-shot X-FEL imaging
(Project Heads
Grubmüller, Helmut
Luke, David Russell
Completed projects
Biomolecular structures from few photons single molecule x-ray diffraction data
(Project Heads
Groenhof, Gerrit
Grubmüller, Helmut
Kinetik und Verzweigungsverhältnisse unimolekularer Reaktionen hochgespannter Kohlenwasserstoffe
(Project Heads
Grubmüller, Helmut
de Meijere, Armin
Nanoscale dynamics of proteins and their interaction
(Project Heads
Enderlein, Jörg
Grubmüller, Helmut
Primary lipid vesicle fusion events: Pathways, forces, energetics
(Project Head
Grubmüller, Helmut
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
GromEx: Highly Scalable Unified Long-Range Electrostatics and Flexible Ionization for Realistic Biomolecular Simulations on the Exascale
Dachsel, Holger
Grubmüller, Helmut
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2756: Cytoskeletal elements of active matter – from molecular interactions to cellular biophysics (CYTAC)
Köster, Sarah
Completed projects
GRK 782: Spectroscopy and Dynamics of Molecular Aggregates, Chains, Coils and Networks
Suhm, Martin
Graduate Schools
Completed projects
GSC 226: Göttingen Graduate School for Neurosciences and Molecular Biosciences (GGNB)
Ficner, Ralf
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2067: Multiscale Bioimaging: from Molecular Machines to Networks of Excitable Cells (MBExC)
Cramer, Patrick
Moser, Tobias
Steinem, Claudia
Additional Information
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