Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
Zentrum der Inneren Medizin
Medizinische Klinik 1
Theodor-Stern-Kai 7
60596 Frankfurt am Main
This institution in GERiT
60596 Frankfurt am Main
Research Grants
Current projects
Inflammation-driven Diseases Program (INDEEP): inflammatory response as driver for human diseases and target for therapy
Ullrich, Evelyn
The context-dependent role of IL-22 in chronic liver disease and acute-on-chronic liver failure
Schwarzkopf, Katharina Maria
Welsch, Christoph
Completed projects
Allosteric drugs targeting Aurora kinases for the treatment of cancer
Biondi, Ricardo M.
Development of allosteric inhibitors of AGC kinases and co-crystallography with the target kinases
Biondi, Ricardo M.
Engel, Matthias
Development of Analytical Tests for Detection of Pathogenicity and Identification of Molecular Defects in Unclear Genetic Variants of the DNA Mismatch Repair Gene MSH2 in Lynch Syndrome
Plotz, Guido
Hepatitis C virus related mechanisms for sensitivity to antiviral therapy
Sarrazin, Christoph M.
Modulation der experimentell-induzierten Colitis durch ein den IL-12-Rezeptor blockierendes IL-12p40 rekombinantes Protein
Zeuzem, Stefan
Molecular escape mechanisms due to patterns of resistance-associated amino acid variants in the hepatitis C virus NS3 protease
Welsch, Christoph
Molecular Mechanism of Regulation of the atypical Kinase C (PKC)
Biondi, Ricardo M.
Molecular Mechanism of Regulation of the Protein Kinase C-related Kinase 2 (PRK2)
Biondi, Ricardo M.
Molecular mechanisms of allosteric activation and inhibition by the PIF-pocket in AGC protein kinases
Biondi, Ricardo M.
Molecular mechanisms of cAMP-induced tyrosine phosphorylation of the receptors for EGF and NGF
Piiper, Albrecht
Regulation der Sekretion der Pankreasazinuszelle durch niedermolekulare GTP-bindende Rab3-Proteine
Zeuzem, Stefan
Role of microRNA-26b in the development of Hepatitis C Virus associated diffuse large B-cell lymphomas
Peveling-Oberhag, Jan
Role of the lipid environment in NS5A structural rearrangements and drug interactions in hepatitis C
Welsch, Christoph
Structural and Chemical-genetic approach to investigate the mechanisms underlying the protein kinases Pkh and Pkc1 (orthologues of PDK1 and PKC) in yeast.
Biondi, Ricardo M.
Untersuchung der Rolle von Tax1BP1 (Tax1-binding protein 1) bei der chronischen Entzündung, Karzinogenese und beim Proteinstoffwechsel
Waidmann, Oliver
Clinical Research Units
Completed projects
Bioinformatische und -statistische HCV-Sequenzanalyse
Welsch, Christoph
Charakterisierung des additiven antiviralen Effekts von Ribavirin
Hofmann, Wolf Peter
Mihm, Ulrike
HCV Sequenzanalysen und Therapieresistenzmechanismen
Sarrazin, Christoph M.
KFO 129: Mechanisms for Development of Resistance and Optimisation of Antiviral Strategies of Hepatitis C Virus Infection Comprising Integrative Biomathematical and Bioinformatical Models
Zeuzem, Stefan
Stochastische Modelle zur Hepatitis C Virus -und Quasispezieskinetik
Herrmann, Eva
Synthese und Wirkstoffdesign -Hemmung des CD81-vermittelten Hepatitis C-Virus Zelleintritts
Hartmann, Rolf
Zentralprojekt zur Koordinierung und wiss. Unterstützung der KFO 129
Zeuzem, Stefan
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Entwicklung struktureller Deskriptoren zur NS3.4A Protease und Vorhersagen von STAT-C Resistenzen bei Peptidomimetika
Welsch, Christoph
WBP Fellowship
Current projects
Role of interferon signaling in hepatocyte senescence and metabolic changes in MASH and MASH-HCC
Alcober Boquet, Ph.D., Lucía