Universität Bayreuth
Fakultät für Ingenieurwissenschaften
Lehrstuhl für Konstruktionslehre und CAD
Universitätsstraße 30
95447 Bayreuth
This institution in GERiT
95447 Bayreuth
Research Grants
Current projects
Development of a data-driven process-oriented geometry optimization for the sand and gravity die casting of aluminum
Hartmann, Christoph
Tremmel, Stephan
Volk, Wolfram
Fundamental multiscale investigations for improved service life calculation of solid lubricated rolling bearings in vacuum
Merle, Benoit
Meyer, Bernd
Tremmel, Stephan
Wear-resistant thin film-based triboelectric nanogenerators for self-powered sensing
Fischerauer, Gerhard
Tremmel, Stephan
Completed projects
Development of a physical geometry analysis for manufacturable topology optimized castings.
Rieg, Frank
Volk, Wolfram
Friction reduction in lubricated tribological contacts by micro textured surfaces
Merklein, Marion
Tremmel, Stephan
Optimierung des tribologischen Verhaltens von Molybdändisulfid-PVD-Schichten im Hinblick auf wechselnde Umgebungsbedingungen
Gradt, Thomas
Meerkamm, Harald
Szücs, Zsolt Laszlo
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Completed projects
Tribological DLC-coatings in combination with surface texturing for forming tools to increase lifetime and to improve process quality
(Project Heads
Tremmel, Stephan
Wartzack, Sandro
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Fundamental multiscale investigations for improved calculation of the service life of solid lubricated rolling bearings
Merle, Benoit
Meyer, Bernd
Tremmel, Stephan
Lubricant free forming with tailored tribological conditions
Merklein, Marion
Schmidt, Michael
Tremmel, Stephan
Lubricant free forming with tailored tribological conditions
Merklein, Marion
Schmidt, Michael
Tremmel, Stephan
Reduction of friction in EHD-contacts by microstructured surfaces of components: design, layout and manufacturing by forming
Merklein, Marion
Wartzack, Sandro
SPP 1676: Dry Metal Forming - Sustainable Production through Dry Processing in Metal Forming
Vollertsen, Frank