Universität Bayreuth
Fakultät für Ingenieurwissenschaften
Lehrstuhl für Technische Thermodynamik und Transportprozesse
Universitätsstraße 30
95447 Bayreuth
This institution in GERiT
95447 Bayreuth
Research Grants
Current projects
Improved semi-empirical correlations for the evaporation and condensation of zeotropic mixtures
Brüggemann, Dieter
Kabelac, Stephan
Completed projects
Beeinflussung der Flammenausbreitung durch laserinduzierte Mehrfachzündungen bei motorrelevanten Bedingungen
Brüggemann, Dieter
Extension and experimental validation of models from continuous thermodynamics for numerical simulation of the evaporation of multi-component fuel droplets
Brüggemann, Dieter
Numerische Simulation turbulenter Verbrennungsvorgänge in Raketenbrennkammern bei flüssiger Sauerstoffeinbringung
Brüggemann, Dieter
Optical and chemical analyses of the influence of engine operating conditions on the characteristics of soot and ash deposits in diesel particulate filters
Brüggemann, Dieter
Pulse train ignition with passively Q-switched laser spark plugs under engine conditions
Brüggemann, Dieter
Raman spectroscopic studies of the gaseous drag phase in droplet chains and sprays during the evaporation of multi-component fuels
Brüggemann, Dieter
Reducing uncertainties in the numerical simulation of melting processes in phase change materials by a systematic model analysis using temperature dependent material properties
Brüggemann, Dieter
Studies on the influence of diesel engine operating parameters on the properties of emitted soot particles
Brüggemann, Dieter
Use of fluid mixtures for increasing the electrical efficiency of ORC processes in selected fields of application
Brüggemann, Dieter
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Identification and characterisation of non-flammable and low-GWP fluid mixtures for thermodynamic cycles in Carnot Batteries
Brüggemann, Dieter
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Climatic chamber with solar simulator
FT-IR/Raman spectrometer with optical probe