Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
Institut für Forstwissenschaften
Professur für Ökosystemphysiologie
Georges-Köhler-Allee 53-54
79110 Freiburg
This institution in GERiT
79110 Freiburg
Research Grants
Current projects
Impact of recurrent droughts on ecohydrological feedbacks and drought legacies of key European tree species
Haberstroh, Simon
Weiler, Markus
Werner, Christiane
Completed projects
Analyse der saisonalen Änderungen der Photosynthese- und Atmungskomponenten der Nettokohlenstoffflüsse eines mediterranen Hartlaubwaldes durch stabile Isotope
Werner, Christiane
Changing ground water levels: the impact on an invasive species and native plant communities in a Mediterranean dune ecosystem
Werner, Christiane
Disentangling seasonal vegetation effects on ecosystem evapotranspiration and water use efficiency of Mediterranean savannah-type oak forest
Cuntz, Matthias
Werner, Christiane
Ecological relevance of carbon isotope fractionation during dark respiration
Werner, Christiane
Impact assessment of vascular plant encroachment on water and carbon cycling in a Sphagnum dominated bog - VESBO
Dubbert, Maren
Piayda, Arndt
Impact of recurrent extreme drought events and shrub invasion on Mediterranean cork-oak ecosystem functioning and resilience
Pinto, Joaquim G.
Werner, Christiane
Linking the energetics of reproduction to population demography in a marine apex predator
Krüger, Oliver
Quantifying the spatial impact of exotic plant invasion on ecosystem functioning- from the leaf to the landscape level
Oldeland, Jens
Thiele, Jan
Werner, Christiane
Using advances in stable water isotopy to quantify species- and interspecific ecohydrological feedback processes and water transit times of different tree stands
Orlowski, Natalie
Werner, Christiane
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Isotope-Ratio-Massenspektrometer (IRMS) mit Peripherie
Research Units
Current projects
FOR 5315: FOREST FLOOR: Functioning, Dynamics, and Vulnerability in a Changing World
Lang, Friederike
FOR 5571: Using clonal oak phytometers to unravel acclimation and adaptation mechanisms of long-lived forest tree holobionts to ecological variations and climate change
Opgenoorth, Lars
Interaction between carbon exudation by tree roots and their mycorrhiza associations and forest floor thickness
Werner, Christiane
SP3 - The role of priming for abiotic and biotic stress responses in oak
Kreuzwieser, Jürgen
Werner, Christiane
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Administration and management of the CRC
(Project Head
Werner, Christiane
An autonomous, multi-cuvettes laser-spectrometer system to study leaf photosynthetic isotope discrimination, CO2 exchange and volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions
(Project Heads
Haberstroh, Simon
Schmitt, Katrin
Wallrabe, Ulrike
Werner, Christiane
Joint Research Platform
(Project Heads
Christen, Andreas
Wallrabe, Ulrike
Weiler, Markus
Werner, Christiane
Linking carbon and water fluxes in trees to the soil and atmosphere using in-situ NMR and ecohydrological sensor cluster
(Project Heads
Jouda, Ph.D., Mazin
Korvink, Jan Gerrit
Weiler, Markus
Werner, Christiane
SFB 1537: ECOSENSE – Multiscale quantification of spatio-temporal dynamics of ecosys-tem processes by smart autonomous sensor networks
Werner, Christiane
Wireless, energy-autonomous chlorophyll fluorescence (ChlF) measurement in tree canopies using flexible, multifunctional and highly integrated microsensor probes
(Project Heads
Comella, Laura Maria
Rupitsch, Stefan J.
Werner, Christiane
Priority Programmes
Current projects
A UAV-mounted dual-wavelength LiDAR for leaf water content retrieval
Kattenborn, Teja
Reiterer, Alexander