Technische Universität Hamburg
Institut für Fluiddynamik und Schiffstheorie
Schwarzenbergstraße 95 c
21073 Hamburg
This institution in GERiT
21073 Hamburg
Research Grants
Completed projects
Development of numerical and experimental methods for resolving of concentrated vortex structures
Abdel-Maksoud, Moustafa
Kornev, Nikolai
Drag Optimisation of Ship Shapes (DROPSS)
Rung, Thomas
Effect of the Prandtl number on the convective heat transfer from rotating disks
aus der Wiesche, Stefan
Ein Verfahren zur Optimierung von aus Mehrkomponenten bestehenden Schiffsantrieben
Abdel-Maksoud, Moustafa
Rudolph, Günter
Hydroelastic simulation of the acoustic behaviour of ship-propeller configurations with and without cavitation
Abdel-Maksoud, Moustafa
Düster, Alexander
Maßstabseffekte bei Zustromdüsen
Söding, Heinrich
Minimization of undesired wave reflections at the boundaries of the computational domain in flow simulations with free surface based on the Navier-Stokes equations
Abdel-Maksoud, Moustafa
Numerical simulation of cavitation erosion using coupled Euler-Lagrange models
Rung, Thomas
Simulation von Kaviationseffekten in Wirbelströmungen
Abdel-Maksoud, Moustafa
Current projects
Energy Fluxes at the Air-Sea Interface
(Project Heads
Buckley, Ph.D., Marc
Czeschel, Lars
Rung, Thomas
Wollner, Winnifried
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 3068: Climate-informed Engineering
Shokri, Nima
Completed projects
GRK 1096: Harbours for Container Ships of Future Generations: Interaction of Ship, Fluid, Structure and Soil
Grabe, Jürgen
GRK 2583: Modeling, Simulation and Optimization of Fluid Dynamic Applications
Iske, Armin