Universität Bielefeld
Fakultät für Soziologie
Arbeitsbereich 6: Soziologie der Transnationalisierung
und Sozialanthropologie
Universitätsstraße 25
33615 Bielefeld
This institution in GERiT
33615 Bielefeld
Research Grants
Current projects
Civil Society Integration through Conflict? Functions, Trajectories and Consequences of Migrant-Related and Non-Migrant-Related Conflicts in Duisburg
Faist, Ph.D., Thomas
Transnational social support networks in intraeuropean migration. Education-to-work transitions in the economic crisis.
Brandhorst, Rosa
Completed projects
Asian Educational Mobilities: A Comparative Study of International Migration of Japanese and Chinese Higher Education Students
Faist, Ph.D., Thomas
Bright futures: A comparative study of internal and international mobility of chinese higher education students
Faist, Ph.D., Thomas
Transnational Mobility and Social Positions in the European Union
Faist, Ph.D., Thomas
Transnational Political Practices of Migrants in Germany: Study of transnational activities from Polish and Turkish Immigrants in Germany
Faist, Ph.D., Thomas
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Central Tasks
(Project Heads
Diewald, Martin
Faist, Ph.D., Thomas
Liebig, Stefan
Transnationale soziale Räume und demokratische Legitimität
(Project Head
Faist, Ph.D., Thomas
Transnationale soziale Räume und demokratische Legitimität
(Project Head
Faist, Ph.D., Thomas
Transnationality and Inequality - Pilot Project Panel Study
(Project Heads
Faist, Ph.D., Thomas
Razum, Oliver
Transnational Mobility and Social Position in the European Union: Mobility Trajectories, Socio-economic Status and Evalutions
(Project Heads
Faist, Ph.D., Thomas
Tucci, Ingrid
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Transnational Ageing in Australia. Implications of the transnationalisation of social life worlds for the concept of ageing in place and for social and health policies in a society of immigration.
Brandhorst, Rosa
Scientific Networks
Current projects
Migration and Im/Mobility in the Global South during a Global Pandemic
Missbach, Ph.D., Antje
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2225: World politics: The emergence of political arenas and modes of observation in world society
Albert, Mathias
Completed projects
GRK 844: World Concepts and Global Structural Patterns: Differentiation and Functional Diversification of World Society
Heintz, Bettina
Graduate Schools
Completed projects
GSC 268: Bielefeld Graduate School in History and Sociology
Welskopp, Thomas